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On each circle ''c '' (`c=1,...,nbcircles`), we will define some objects ''o'' (`o=1,...,nbObjects[c]`) (called sometimes particles here), so the total number of objects is `O = nbObjects[1] + nbObjects[2]+...+nbObjects[nbcircles]`. Each object `''o` '' on circle `''c` '' will have at time `''t` '' the position `Position[c][o][t]`. This position, express as a number in [0,1] is a coordinate along the path `ThePath[c]`. The position at time 1 is chosen randomly along the path $''c$ '' (line 13), and then will be calculated for each time `''t` '' from the position at time `''t-1` '' (line 18). Each object will have its own \type{`deplacement}`, which depends on the length of the circle modified by random factor (line 14). Lastly, to distinguish easily particles in the following figures, we will assign a random color to each one (line 16): `TheColor[c][o]`
