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If you wish to make an animation in your document, see the Animation page. This page will explain how to MetaFun to create a mp4 movie. Such movie can be embedded in a presentation, put on YouTube, etc, this will be a real movie !

The steps involved to realize such a movie are to (1) make a pdf such as each page is a frame of the movie, (2) convert the pdf pages to jpeg images, (3) assemble these images into a mp4 movie.


An animation is simply a series of images shown in order, one at a time. The number of images per unit of time determines the speed of the movie, a factor usually referred to as the framerate. For instance, if we generate 300 images, we can create a 10-second movie at 30 frames per second, or a 20-second movie at 15 frames per second.

This tutorial will be to design and animate a movie showing particles moving along circles. The different images needed for the animation will be pages from the same PDF. The general structure of the code is as follows:

  \dorecurse{300}{ % Each of the 300 images
      % Insert here code to draw an image

An MPpage has the size of the bounding box of all combined objects on the current page, so if objects move within the page, the page size will change. A solution to maintain control is to introduce a frame, which we can visualize as a camera frame. In the following, we refer to this frame as TheFrame. We can keep this frame fixed while subjects move within it, or we can keep subjects steady and move the frame, or even do both! In fact, if we think of a real camera, this is exactly the same concept. Let's consider a fixed square frame here, called TheFrame:

  path TheFrame ;
  TheFrame := fullsquare scaled 80 ;
  % the code... 
  setbounds currentpicture to TheFrame ;

It is a good idea to perform declarations and calculations only once, and therefore, to place them in MPinclusions before the drawings are actually done. Since we intend to move a particle along a path, the position of the particle depends on the current frame. This information will be stored in the variable currentframe. In the simplest case, the current frame corresponds to the value of the loop dorecurse, which can be accessed using currentframe := #1;. The position of the object will be determined by currentframe/TotalNbFrames along the path. Now, we are ready for the complete code :

 path TheFrame ; TheFrame := fullsquare scaled 80 ;
 path ThePath , TheObject , ObjectInMovement ; 
 ThePath   := fullcircle scaled 50 ;
 TheObject := fullcircle scaled 8 ;
 TotalNbFrames := 300 ;

  currentframe := #1; 
  ObjectInMovement := TheObject shifted 
    (point (currentframe/TotalNbFrames) along ThePath );
  draw ThePath withcolor blue ;
  fill ObjectInMovement withcolor red ;
 setbounds currentpicture to TheFrame ;

\stopMPpage } 

Here are some excerpts of this file : Project1 a-0.jpg

Project1-A : Project1-C2-2160: Project3-C: Project3-B: Project2-B2 : Project2-A: Project1-C2-1080: Project1-B: Project1-B-Slow : Project1-A :