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Using Ralph Smith Formal Font

Ralph Smith's Formal Font [1] provides a bit more cursive calligraphic symbols. They can be used inside ConTeX by

\starttypescript [math] [modern,computer-modern,latin-modern,ams] [size]
     \definebodyfont [17.3pt,14.4pt,12pt,11pt,10pt,9pt][mm][mc=rsfs10 sa 1]
     \definebodyfont [8pt,7pt] [mm] [mc=rsfs7 sa 1]
     \definebodyfont [6pt,5pt,4pt] [mm] [mc=rsfs5 sa 1]

\definefamilysynonym [default] [scriptfamily] [mc]


\definetypeface [modern] [mm] [math] [modern] [ams] [encoding=texnansi]







I less precise method of using them is



which does not use the correct font size. rsfs10 is used for bodyfont, scriptsize and scriptscriptsize.

Note: Since this is an italic script, one needs italic correction \/ in the definition.

The plain tex way of using the font is:

 \font\tenscr   = rsfs10 at 12pt %bodyfontsize
 \font\sevenscr = rsfs7  at 9pt  %scriptfontsize
 \font\fivescr  = rsfs5  at 7pt  %scriptscriptfontsize

 \skewchar\tenscr   = '177
 \skewchar\sevenscr = '177
 \skewchar\fivescr  = '177


 \textfont\scrfam         = \tenscr
 \scriptfont\scrfam       = \sevenscr
 \scriptscriptfont\scrfam = \fivescr


With these defintions one can use \scr just like \cal. This method has the advantage that it uses different fonts (rsfs10, rsfs7, rsfs5) in body script and scriptscipt.