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Sometimes the bibliography needs to be more flexible in the bibliographic item description. For this case exists the module simplebib.

But this bibliography module is more flexible than the "classic" bibliography module with its bibtex database.


The bibliography can be listed in one block or distributed over several block in the document (e.g. at the end of every chapter):






Inside the bibliography environment you can specify bibliographic items via \bibitem.


Most attributes should be self explaining. A speciality is the in attribute. Often you have to cite an article that is published in a journal, compendium etc. So you use the "normal" attributes to specify the article and via the in attribute you specify the book with the same attributes inside:

\bibitem[key=bpf,abbr={BüPrFr},author={Büchel, Christian; Price, Cathy J und Friston, Karl},year={1998},title={A multimodal language region in the ventral visual pathway},in={{title=Nature},volume={394},pages={274-277}}]


For referencing simplebib is using the crossref module. For the lazy ones it provides \bibtex what is nothing else than a \crossref with type=external preset.

So in following example both blocks do the same:

\bibref[detail={p. 38}][ref1]

\crossref[type=external,detail={p. 38}][ref1]

Here a simple usage example:



\bibref[detail={p. 275}][bpf]


\bibitem[reference=brk,label={Brk\-01},author={Brinker, Klaus},year={2001},title={Linguistische Textanalyse: Eine Einführung in Grundbegriffe und Methoden},series={Grundlagen der Germanistik},volume={29},revedition={5},publisher={Schmidt Verlag},place={Berlin},isbn={3-503-04995-9}]

\bibitem[reference=bpf,label={BüPrFr\-98},author={Büchel, Christian; Price, Cathy J und Friston, Karl},year={1998},title={A multimodal language region in the ventral visual pathway},in={{title=Nature},volume={394},pages={274-277}}]





\setupsimplebibtext[en][fromSeries={from series}]
\setupsimplebibtext[en][revedition={reviewed edition}]
\setupsimplebibtext[en][datedition={edition from}]
\setupsimplebibtext[en][access={last access}]

\setupsimplebibtext[de][fromSeries={aus der Reihe}]
\setupsimplebibtext[de][revedition={überarbeitete Auflage}]
\setupsimplebibtext[de][datedition={Auflage vom}]
\setupsimplebibtext[de][access={letzter Zugriff}]