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< [[From LaTeX to ConTeXt]] >
== In LaTeX ConTeXt MKIV (current) == 
\documentclass{article}starttext\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}setsmallcaps Normal and \bf bold Small Caps.\begin{document}\textbf{style[style=smallcaps] Normal and \textsc{bf bold small caps}}Small Caps.\end{document}stoptext
Note that the legacy command <texcode>\sc</texcode> should be used <em>only</em> for those few typefaces where the small caps belong to a font file distinct from the main font. Latin Modern is an example.  For most (if not all) contemporary opentype fonts, the small caps (and the associated feature <code>smcp</code>) are included in the main font file; so <code>\sc</code> should no longer be used - and will not work across all weights - in most instances.  See also [[Small caps and other styles]]. == In ConTeXt MKII (legacy) ==
{\sc Normal and \bf bold Small Caps.}
{\sc Äö¤½æ¼Æ \bf Äö¤½æ¼Æ}
You can download the module t-cmscbf.tex from
== In LaTeX ==
See also [[From LaTeX to ConTeXt]]
\textbf{\textsc{bold small caps}}
[[Category:From LaTeX]]
