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70 bytes added ,  18:22, 14 November 2011
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The options for 'header=' and 'footer=' are none,empty,high,nomarking.
== Adding Substituting a line below the shorter lemma for a <i>section<\i> header ==There are two ways to achieve this:Given a global setup such as 
The above method will require Sometimes the header=high option if you want ''section'' title is too long to skip fit in the line on pages where a chapter begins (with header=empty the line will still be there but with no text). The second method allows skipping the header (including the line) with both the header={empty|high} option.Instead of manually inserting a new \setupheadertexts comamnd you may use something like 
\setupheaderstartsection[text][aftertitle={\blackrule[width=\textwidthHere is a section title too long to fit in the header},heightmarking=\linewidth,depth=0pt]{Here is a section title}]</texcode> Similarly, you can send shorter lemmas to the table of contents or to bookmarks. So the relevant keys include <texcode>title list marking bookmark
