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928 bytes added ,  16:52, 6 July 2012
Smaller examples for all!
seems to affect the ''end'' of the environment.
<context source="yes">\setuppapersize [XYA10, landscape][A4A8, landscape]\setuppaper [nx=2,ny=2]\setuparranging [XY]\setupbodyfont[10pt]
\setuptabulate [split=yes, header=text, title={\color[red] Fenchurch St. Paul}, frame=on]
\starttabulate[|p(1.2cm)|p(1.2cm)|]\dorecurse{26}{ \NC test Bells: \NC \input tufte \relax Tin tan din dan bim bam bom bo \NC \NR \HL \NC test Name: \NC \input dawkins \relax Tailor Paul \NC \NR \HL
\stoptext \endinput
to work.
<texcodecontext source=yes>\setuptabulatesetuppapersize[A10, landscape][split=yesA8,headerlandscape]\setuppaper[nx=text2,titleny={2]\sc Table Titles Undisclosed!}setuparranging[XY]
\starttabulateswitchtobodyfont[5pt]\dorecursesetuppagenumbering[location={2header,inright}{ \NC Ed Tufte \NC \input tufte \relax \NC \NR] \NC Dick Dawkins \NC \input dawkins \relax \NC \NR}</texcode>showframe[edge]
<context>\setuptabulate\setuppapersize [XY][A4]split=yes,\setuppaper [nxheader=2text,ny title=2{\color[red]Fenchurch St. Paul},\setuparranging [XY frame=on]
\starttext \setuptabulatestarttabulate[split=yes,header=text,title={\sc Table Titles Undisclosed!}|p(1.2cm)|p(1.2cm)|\starttabulate\dorecurse{26}{ \NC Ed Tufte Bells: \NC \input tufte \relax Tin tan din dan bim bam bom bo \NC \NR \HL \NC Dick Dawkins Name: \NC \input dawkins \relax Tailor Paul \NC \NR \HL
\stoptext \endinput
- “\setuptabulate” but I couldn’t notice any effect.
Tabulate supports header rows that can be repeated over new table
| <context>
/tt> || bottom rule;
/tt> that allows for those rules to be tinted.
tt>\LL!--(added by Willi Egger 04-08-2011)-->
The following issue is related to MKIV:
When using an itemization inside a tabulation where one uses also the
Thus, in order to colorize a four column table with the initial
tt>title/tt> command serves as a replacement for
Other types can be discovered in the source
===Vertical Rules===
\NC test \NC test \NC test \NC test \NC \NR
\NC test \NC test \NC test \NC test \NC \NR
\NC test \NC test \NC test \NC test \NC \NR
\NC test \NC test \NC test \NC test \NC \NR