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24 bytes removed ,  18:59, 3 September 2005
Edited examples to use Mojca's \strut\vfill suggestion.
\hskip 1in strut\vskip 7.25in vfill % A hack to shorten the page.
This\footnote[footA](Or that, if you prefer} is a sentence with a footnote\footnote{Actually,
two footnotes; this one and footnote \note[footA].}.
\setupfootnotes[way=bypage, conversion=set 2]
\hskip 1in strut\vskip 7.25in vfill % A hack to shorten the page.
This\footnote[footA](Or that, if you prefer} is a sentence with a footnote\footnote{Actually,
two footnotes; this one and footnote \note[footA].}.