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617 bytes added ,  07:15, 12 August 2013
\footnotetext[footC]{It could be something entirely different.}
is a sentence with nested footnotes.
== Suppressing Footnotes Entirely ==
The boolean {{cmd|link=no|notesenabled}} controls whether footnotes are processed at all.
If set to ''false'', invocations of {{cmd|footnote}} will be ignored.
After it is set to ''true'' again Context will pick up the footnote counters at their
previous state, so numbering will continuous.
<context source="yes" mode="mkiv">
\setuppapersize [A7]
\dorecurse {2} { foo \footnote {bar} baz \par }
\dorecurse {3} { foo \footnote {bar} baz \par }
\dorecurse {2} { foo \footnote {bar} baz \par }
