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139 bytes added ,  07:24, 13 January 2015
in MkIV put alignment character in {} instead of (); add \NN
- wtf this listing was full of <tab> chars‽ Was this supposed
- to be a bad pun on *tabulate*?
- - No, I formatted it readably in my text editor. --HR
\NC w(1cm) \NC one line, fixed width \NC\NR
\NC p(2cm) \NC paragraph, lines broken to fixed width \NC\NR
\NC cg(.) \NC align on a character – in MkIV: cg{.} \NC\NR
\NC \NC bigger vertical space \NC\NR
\NC w(1cm) \NC one line, fixed width \NC\NR
\NC p(2cm) \NC paragraph, lines broken to fixed width \NC\NR
\NC cg(.) \NC align on a character – in MkIV: cg{.} \NC\NR
\NC \NC bigger vertical space \NC\NR
* <tt>HL</tt> draws a horizontal rule,
* <tt>NC</tt> marks a new column (or new cell),
* <tt>NN</tt> marks a new math column/cell (see below),
* <tt>NR</tt> starts a new row,
* <tt>NB</tt> starts a new row as a block (avoids page breaking inside of a block, to keep some lines together; available since beta of 2011-12-21);