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<paragraph>We thrive in in­for­ma­tion--thick worlds be­cause of our mar­velous and every­day ca­pac­ity to se­lect, edit, sin­gle out, struc­ture, high­light, group, pair, merge, har­mo­nize, syn­the­size, fo­cus, or­ga­nize, con­dense, re­duce, boil down, choose, cat­e­go­rize, cat­a­log, clas­sify, list, ab­stract, scan, look into, ide­al­ize, iso­late, dis­crim­i­nate, dis­tin­guish, screen, pi­geon­hole, pick over, sort, in­te­grate, blend, in­spect, fil­ter, lump, skip, smooth, chunk, av­er­age, ap­prox­i­mate, clus­ter, ag­gre­gate, out­line, sum­ma­rize, item­ize, re­view, dip into, flip through, browse, glance into, leaf through, skim, re­fine, enu­mer­ate, glean, syn­op­size, win­now the wheat from the chaff and sep­a­rate the sheep from the goats.</paragraph>
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<sectiontitle>A sec­tion</sectiontitle>
<paragraph>We thrive in in­for­ma­tion--thick worlds be­cause of our mar­velous and every­day ca­pac­ity to se­lect, edit, sin­gle out, struc­ture, high­light, group, pair, merge, har­mo­nize, syn­the­size, fo­cus, or­ga­nize, con­dense, re­duce, boil down, choose, cat­e­go­rize, cat­a­log, clas­sify, list, ab­stract, scan, look into, ide­al­ize, iso­late, dis­crim­i­nate, dis­tin­guish, screen, pi­geon­hole, pick over, sort, in­te­grate, blend, in­spect, fil­ter, lump, skip, smooth, chunk, av­er­age, ap­prox­i­mate, clus­ter, ag­gre­gate, out­line, sum­ma­rize, item­ize, re­view, dip into, flip through, browse, glance into, leaf through, skim, re­fine, enu­mer­ate, glean, syn­op­size, win­now the wheat from the chaff and sep­a­rate the sheep from the goats. <itemgroup detail="itemize" chain="itemize" packed="yes" symbol="1" level="1"><item><itemtag><m:math xmlns:m="" display="inline"><m:mo>•</m:mo></m:math></itemtag><itemcontent>First</itemcontent></item><item><itemtag><m:math xmlns:m="" display="inline"><m:mo>•</m:mo></m:math></itemtag><itemcontent>Sec­ond</itemcontent></item><item><itemtag><m:math xmlns:m="" display="inline"><m:mo>•</m:mo></m:math></itemtag><itemcontent>Third</itemcontent></item><item><itemtag><m:math xmlns:m="" display="inline"><m:mo>•</m:mo></m:math></itemtag><itemcontent>Fourth</itemcontent></item></itemgroup> </paragraph>
<paragraph>Thus, I came to the con­clu­sion that the de­signer of a new sys­tem must not only be the im­ple­menter and first large--scale user; the de­signer should also write the first user man­ual. <break/>
The sep­a­ra­tion of any of these four com­po­nents would have hurt TEX sig­nif­i­cantly. If I had not par­tic­i­pated fully in all these ac­tiv­i­ties, lit­er­ally hun­dreds of im­prove­ments would never have been made, be­cause I would never have thought of them or per­ceived why they were im­por­tant. <break/>
But a sys­tem can­not be suc­cess­ful if it is too strongly in­flu­enced by a sin­gle per­son. Once the ini­tial de­sign is com­plete and fairly ro­bust, the real test be­gins as peo­ple with many dif­fer­ent view­points un­der­take their own ex­per­i­ments.</paragraph>
<paragraph>Com­ing back to the use of type­faces in elec­tronic pub­lish­ing: many of the new ty­pog­ra­phers re­ceive their knowl­edge and in­for­ma­tion about the rules of ty­pog­ra­phy from books, from com­puter mag­a­zines or the in­struc­tion man­u­als which they get with the pur­chase of a PC or soft­ware. There is not so much ba­sic in­struc­tion, as of now, as there was in the old days, show­ing the dif­fer­ences be­tween good and bad ty­po­graphic de­sign. Many peo­ple are just fas­ci­nated by their PC’s tricks, and think that a widely--praised pro­gram, called up on the screen, will make every­thing au­to­matic from now on.</paragraph>
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<sectiontitle>Quoth<descriptionsymbol detail="footnote"><sup>1</sup></descriptionsymbol></sectiontitle>
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<line><delimited detail="quotation-1">“Prophet!”</delimited> said I, <delimited detail="quotation-1">“thing of evil!—prophet still, if bird or devil!”</delimited><line>By that Heaven that bends above us—by that God we both adore—</line><line>Tell this soul with sor­row laden if, within the dis­tant Aidenn,</line><line>It shall clasp a sainted maiden whom the an­gels name Lenore—</line><line>Clasp a rare and ra­di­ant maiden whom the an­gels name Lenore.</line></line>
<line><highlight detail="emph">Quoth the Raven <delimited detail="quotation-1">“Nev­er­more.”</delimited></highlight></line>
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<descriptiontag><sup>1</sup> </descriptiontag>
<descriptioncontent>by Edgar Al­lan Poe</descriptioncontent>