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1,521 bytes added ,  06:33, 7 October 2016
add example from ML
Otherwise, positioning will not work (figure will not be centered). See [ this post] by Aditya Mahajan for explanation.
== Example for commutative diagrams ==
Hans ร…berg wrote to the mailing list on 2016-10-06:
There is a tikz-cd package at CTAN:
One makes sure to have the file <code>tikzlibrarycd.code.tex</code>, and follows the translation rules in the manual for ConTeXt. In addition to that, one seems to have to replace the apostrophe with "below".
The first few examples in the manual, which compiled with latest ConTeXt:
A \arrow{rd} \arrow{r}{๐œ‘} \NC B \NR
A \arrow[r, "\phi"] \arrow[d, red]
\NC B \arrow[d, "\psi" red] \NR
C \arrow[r, red, "\eta" blue]
A \arrow[r, "\phi" near start, "\psi" below, "\eta" near end] \NC B
\arrow[drr, bend left, "x"]
\arrow[ddr, bend right, "y"]
\arrow[dr, dotted, "{(x,y)}" description] \NC \NC \NR
\NC X \times_Z Y \arrow[r, "p"] \arrow[d, "q"]
\NC X \arrow[d, "f"] \NR
\NC Y \arrow[r, "g"] \NC Z
\starttikzcd[column sep=tiny]
\NC \pi_1(U_1) \ar[dr] \ar[drr, "j_1", bend left=20]
\NC[1.5em] \NR
\pi_1(U_1\cap U_2) \ar[ur, "i_1"] \ar[dr, "i_2" below]
\NC \pi_1(U_1) \ast_{ \pi_1(U_1\cap U_2)} \pi_1(U_2) \ar[r, dashed, "\simeq"]
\NC \pi_1(X) \NR
\NC \pi_1(U_2) \ar[ur]\ar[urr, "j_2" below, bend right=20]
== See also ==