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1,605 bytes removed ,  23:16, 24 December 2017
small changes in example code
URLs can be typeset in various ways. You may specify a URL for later reuse via {{cmd|useURL}}:
\useURL[aurl] [] [] [I prefer hot dogs.]
where #1 is the identifier, #2 is the URL you want to point to, and #4 the text to be displayed where the URL is used. #3 can be used for the 'file path' portion of the URL, if you want. This dates back to when hyperlink support in
=== Example for Mailto #1 ===
<context source=yes>
\useurl [mymail] [mailto:nobody@example.zzz] [][visible@mailaddress.zzz]
Send your spam to \from[mymail]!
Send your spam to \stoptext from[mymail]!
<context source=yes>
\setupinteraction[state=start] \starttext Send your spam to \goto{visible@mailaddress.zzz}[url(mailto:nobody@example.zzz)] \stoptext
<context source=yes>
\setupinteraction[state=start] \useurl [myurl] [www.example.zzz/\#999] [][www.example.zzz/\#999]
If you need many hyperrefs in your document these definitions may be handy for you
<context source=yes>
\def\href#1#2{\useURL[#2][{#2}][][{#1}]\goto{\url[#2]}[url(#1)]} \def\ahref#1{\color[linkcolor]{\ttx \href{#1}{<#1>}}} \def\fullahref#1{\color[linkcolor]{\ttx \href{#1}{http://#1}}} \def\mailto#1{\useURL[#1][mailto:#1][][#1]\from[{#1}]} \def\MailTo#1#2{\useURL[#1][mailto:#1][][#2]\from[{#1}]}
Send mail to \MailTo{foo@bar.zzz}{Mr. Foo}
\starttext \startasciimode \mypersonalurl{http://a.b?hpw%20h#pw} \stopasciimode \startasciimode \footnote{\mypersonalurl{http://a.b?hpw%20h#pw}} \stopasciimode \placenotes[footnote]\stoptext
