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For example, in the following document, the base font [[TeX Gyre|TeX Gyre Pagella]] does not have the glyphs for Cyrillic characters, whose code points are in the Unicode block {{code|Cyrillic}}. The document uses the {{cmd|definefallbackfamily}} command to get the glyphs for this block from the {{code|DejaVu Serif}} font. The ConTeXt name of the block is supplied as the value of the key {{code|range}} in the last setup of the command.
<context source=yestext="Here is the relevant part of the PDF rendition of this document:">
\definefallbackfamily [mainface] [rm] [DejaVu Serif] [range=cyrillic]
Here is the relevant part of the PDF output rendition of the command {{code|context file.tex}}, where {{code|file.tex}} is a file with the above code.this document:
