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Added interesting element structures
It does not appear that this is a required attribute.
== Elements Used in a Stanza Structures ==
=== Elements Used ===This section is incomplete: I am focusing on element structures that will help parse the interface file into the DITA documentation set.
According to the Xpath expression: <pre>count(Forthcoming//cd:interface/cd:interface/cd:command/*/name(.))</pre> 3560 of the stanzas contain more structure, with details about the command or class. According to the Xpath expression: <pre>distinct-values(//cd:interface/cd:interface/cd:command/*/name(.))</pre> ...these stanzas with interior structure have at least one of the following child elements: * `cd:arguments`* `cd:sequence`* `cd:instances`  === Arguments === Stanzas may have an `cd:arguments` substructure, to describe command arguments. As reported by the Xpath expression: <pre>count(//cd:interface/cd:interface/cd:command/cd:arguments/@*/name(.))</pre> `cd:argument` elements have attributes. 3333 stanzas have an arguments substructure, as reported by: <pre>xml sel -N cd= -t -v 'count(//cd:interface/cd:interface/cd:command/cd:arguments)' context-en.xml</pre> As reported by the Xpath Expression: <pre>distinct-values(//cd:interface/cd:interface/cd:command/cd:arguments/*/name(.))</pre> ...argument structures support the following child elements: ;`cd:keywords`: Setups of options - keywords separated by a comma.;`cd:assignments`: Setups of settings - key=value pairs, separated by a comma.;`cd:csname`: A ConTeXt command name.;`cd:content`: Mixed content?;`cd:delimiter`: A piece of text (a command?) that is used to mark arguments.;`cd:dimension`: A quantity of linear measure.;`cd:triplet`: A description of a color.;`cd:position`: (unknown);`cd:index`: (unknown);`cd:text`: (unknown);`cd:apply`: (unknown);`cd:template`: (unknown);`cd:angles`: (unknown);`cd:string`: (unknown) ==== cd:keywords ==== As reported by the Xpath expression: <pre>distinct-values(//cd:interface/cd:interface/cd:command/cd:arguments/cd:keywords/@*/name())</pre> ...`cd:keywords` elements accept the following attributes: ;delimiters: The type of delimiters requested for the argument. Values found in the interface are `none`, `braces` ({}), and `parenthesis`. Square brackets ([]) are the implied default?;list: ?;optional: The argument is optional. As reported by the Xpath expression: <pre>distinct-values(//cd:interface/cd:interface/cd:command/cd:arguments/cd:keywords/*/name(.))</pre> ...a `cd:keywords` element can contain one or more `cd:constant` elements and/or `cd:inherit` elements. The `cd:constant` element defines a single keyword.  As reported by the Xpath expression: <pre>distinct-values(//cd:interface/cd:interface/cd:command/cd:arguments/cd:keywords/cd:constant/@*/name())</pre> ...can have four possible attributes: ;type: The label or name of the option.;default: Whether ("yes") or not this constant is a default.;method: ?;prefix: ? The `cd:inherit` element acts as a pointer to the options of a donor command by command name. The `cd:inherit` element uses the `name` attribute to indicate the donor command. ==== cd:assignments ==== As reported by the Xpath expression: <pre>distinct-values(//cd:interface/cd:interface/cd:command/cd:arguments/cd:assignments/@*/name())</pre> ...`cd:assignments` elements accept the following attributes: ;delimiters: The type of delimiters requested for the argument. Values found in the interface are `none`, `braces` ({}), and `parenthesis`. Square brackets ([]) are the implied default?;list: ?;optional: The argument is optional. As reported by the Xpath expression: <pre>distinct-values(//cd:interface/cd:interface/cd:command/cd:arguments/cd:assignments/*/name(.))</pre> ...a `cd:assignments` element can contain one or more `cd:parameter` elements and/or `cd:inherit` elements. A `cd:inherit` element at this level acts as a pointer to the settings of a donor command by command name. The `cd:inherit` element uses the `name` attribute to indicate the donor command. The `cd:parameter` element defines the structure of a key and associated values.  As reported by the Xpath expression: <pre>distinct-values(//cd:interface/cd:interface/cd:command/cd:arguments/cd:assignments/cd:parameter/@*/name())</pre> ...a `cd:parameter` element can accept two attributes: ;name: The name of the key in the key=value pair.;list: ? As reported by the Xpath expression: <pre>distinct-values(//cd:interface/cd:interface/cd:command/cd:arguments/cd:assignments/cd:parameter/*/name(.))</pre> ...a `cd:parameter` element can contain one or more `cd:constant` elements and/or `cd:inherit` elements.  The `cd:constant` element defines a single keyword.  As reported by the Xpath expression: <pre>distinct-values(//cd:interface/cd:interface/cd:command/cd:arguments/cd:assignments/cd:parameter/cd:constant/@*/name())</pre> ...can have four possible attributes: ;type: The label or name of the option.;default: Whether ("yes") or not this constant is a default.;method: ?;prefix: ? (Note: there is one instance of a possible type on Line 38818: <cd:constant defult="yes" type="stop"/> ) A `cd:inherit` element at this level acts as a pointer to the options of a donor command by command name. The options of the donor command are used as values for the associated key. The `cd:inherit` element uses the `name` attribute to indicate the donor command. === Sequence === Stanzas may have an `cd:sequence` substructure, to describe command arguments. As reported by the Xpath expression: <pre>count(//cd:interface/cd:interface/cd:command/cd:sequence/@*/name(.))</pre>
=== Structures `cd:sequence` elements have attributes.
(ForthcomingTo be continued)
=== Attributes Instances ===
== Apendicies ==
=== <span id="misspelled_category"></span>Attributes that are Likely Misspellings of "Category?category" ===
: Line 19232 - <cd:command catgeory="fonts whitespace" file="typo-pnc.mkic" level="style" name="setperiodkerning">
: Line 19240 - <cd:command catgeory="fonts whitespace" file="typo-pnc.mkic" level="style" name="resetperiodkerning"/>
=== <span id="misspelled_default"></span>Attributes that are Likely Misspellings of "default" ===
Line 38818: <cd:constant defult="yes" type="stop"/>
