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1,253 bytes added ,  21:03, 21 October 2020
drafting commands list
These commands relate to the structure of a document.
* {{cmd|definesection}} and {{cmd|setupsection}}
* {{cmd|defineheader}} and {{cmd|setupheader}}
* {{cmd|definemakeup}} and {{cmd|setupmakeup}}
* {{cmd|definehead} and {{cmd|setuphead}}
* {{cmd|setupheadertexts}}
* {{cmd|setupfootertexts}}
* {{cmd|definesectionblock}} and {{cmd|setupsectionblock}}
* {{cmd|definestartstop}} and {{cmd|setupstartstop}}
* {{cmd|setupblock}} and {{cmd|setupblock}}
* {{cmd|definelist}} and {{cmd|setuplist}}
* {{cmd|definelistalternative}} and {{cmd|setuplistalternative}}
* {{cmd|definedescription}} and {{cmd|setupdescription}}
* {{cmd|definecombinedlist}} and {{cmd|setupcombinedlist}}
* {{cmd|definepagebreak}}
== Text formatting and decoration ==
* {{cmd|definehighlight}} and {{cmd|setuphighlight}}
* {{cmd|defineframed}}, {{cmd|setupframed}}, and {{cmd|startframed}}
* {{cmd|defineframedtext}} and {{cmd|setupframedtext}}
* {{cmd|definemathframed}} and {{cmd|setupmathframed}}
* {{cmd|defineblank}} and {{cmd|setupblank}}
* {{cmd|definehspace}} and {{cmd|setuphspace}}
* {{cmd|setupwhitespace}}
* {{cmd|setupinterlinespace}}
* {{cmd|definelines}} and {{cmd|setuplines}}
* {{cmd|definetyping}} and {{cmd|setuptyping}}
* {{cmd|definetype}} and {{cmd|setuptype}}
== Layout and Design ==
These commandds commands relate to how text is laid out on the page, and possibly involve moving or positioning the text.
* {{cmd|definepapersize}} and {{cmd|setuppapersize}}
* {{cmd|definelayout}} and {{cmd|setuplayout}}
* {{cmd|setuppagenumbering}}
* {{cmd|definelayer}} and {{cmd|setuplayer}}
* {{cmd|definecolor}} and {{cmd|setupcolors}}
* {{cmd|definecolorgroup}}
* {{cmd|definepalet}} and {{cmd|setuppalet}}
* {{cmd|defineoverlay}}
* {{cmd|definecombination}} and {{cmd|setupcombination}}
 == Utilities ==These commands have various functions that don’t relate directly to text formatting and design. * {{cmd|defineconversion}} and {{cmd|convertnumber}}* {{cmd|definelinessetupscale}} and {{cmd|setuplinesscale}}* {{cmd|definemode}}
