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each with its own number and caption, you need a float combination:
<texcodecontext source=yes>\useMPlibrary [dum] %% sample images \startplacefigure[location=none] % disable numbering of outer float \startfloatcombination[nx=2*, ny=1] % two columns, one row \startplacefigure[locationtitle=here,Left] \externalfigure [dummy] \stopplacefigure \startplacefigure [title={Left Image}Right] % figure with caption \externalfigure[dummy] \stopplacefigure \stopfloatcombination
</context> If you want only one number for the whole thing, you may use a regular combination within a float: <context source=yes>\useMPlibrary [dum] %% sample images \startplacefigure[locationtitle=My combination] \startcombination [nx=here2,titleny={Right Image}1] \startcontent \externalfigure [dummy]\stopcontent \startcaption Left \stopcaption \startcontent \externalfigure[dummy]\stopcontent \startcaption Right \stopcaption \stopcombination
</context>  See also {{cmd|startcombination}}, {{cmd|startfloatcombination}} and [[Combinations]]. = Subfloats =Subfloatnumbering creates subfigures sharing a mutual figure prefix and anindividual subfigure designator (e.g. figure 1a), figure 1b, etc.). The command {{cmd|startsubfloatnumbering}} is used for this. <context source=yes>\useMPlibrary [dum] %% sample images \startsubfloatnumbering \startplacefigure [title=Alpha] \externalfigure \stopplacefigure  \startplacefigure [title=Beta] \externalfigure \stopplacefigure\stopsubfloatnumbering</context> Subfloats can also be used with floatcombinations: <context source=yes>\useMPlibrary [dum] %% sample images \startplacefigure [location=none] \startsubfloatnumbering \startfloatcombination [nx=2, ny=1] \startplacefigure [title=Left, reference=fig:left] \externalfigure \stopplacefigure \startplacefigure [title=Right, reference=fig:right] \externalfigure \stopplacefigure \stopfloatcombination \stopsubfloatnumbering
If you want only one number for the whole thing, you need a regular combination within a floatSee \in{figure}[fig:left] and \in{figure}[fig:right].</context>
\startplacefigure[location=here,title={My combination}]
\startcombination[2*1] % two columns, one row
{\externalfigure[dummy]}{Left Image} % caption may be empty
{\externalfigure[dummy]}{Right Image}
See also {{cmd|startcombination}}, {{cmd|startfloatcombination}}, [[Combinations]] and {{cmd|startsubfloatcombination}}.
= Flushing floats =
