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→‎Rotating: add mirror
<context source=yes>
\ss Next generation L\rotate{m}\rotate{m}TSP3AlTSP\mirror{3}Al\rotate[rotation=270,location=high]{v}?
or, even nicer:
<context source="yes">
\rotate[rotation=\recurselevel, location=\recursestring]{%
==In a box==
<context source="yes">
\definedfont[SansBold at 20mm]
\baselineskip 0pt % switch off the space between the stripes
\lineskip 0pt
\def\MyLogo{\vbox{\hbox{\CONTEXT}\null}} % null is necessary for the whole bounding box
\clip[ny=3,y=1]{\color[yellow]{\MyLogo}}\clip[ny=3,y=2]{\color[orange]{\MyLogo}}\clip[ny=3,y=3]{\color[red]{\MyLogo}}</context> And here’s how to cut out a piece by measures (see also {{cmd|setupclipping}} and {{cmd|clip}}): <context source="yes">\clip[width=3cm, height=1cm, hoffset=1cm, voffset=5mm]{\externalfigure[cow][width=5cm]}
The example shows only the case “split into a grid of parts“; it’s also possible to cut out a piece by measures;
see also {{cmd|setupclipping}} and {{cmd|clip}}.
=Further reading=