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156 bytes added ,  10:53, 3 December 2021
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This command does not work in the simple column modes, as it needs to be able to know the desired height of the column, and that is only possible with full page style columns.</cd:description>
<cd:examples><cd:example title=""><context source="yes">
\dorecurse{65}{ \startitem List item. \stopitem }
<cd:source file="page-brk.mkiv" originator="system"></cd:source>
<cd:wikipage originator="system" page="Category:Structure"></cd:wikipage>
<cd:wikipage originator="system" page="Keywords:Columns"></cd:wikipage><cd:wikipage page="Columns"></cd:wikipage><cd:commandref name="column"></cd:commandref><cd:commandref name="startpagecolumns"></cd:commandref></cd:seealso>