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1,617 bytes added ,  18:19, 3 August 2007
How to get visual output like booktabs
<!-- It makes no sense to typeset this here. -->
== Booktabs ==
Latex has an excellent package called booktabs for typesetting tables. The main features of that package is that you can have top, mid, and bottom rules of different thickness. It is possible to achieve similar effects using tables. For example, to match the default settings of booktabs (Well almost, this gives a top and bottom rules of 0.09em while booktabs sets it to 0.08em).
<table cols="2"><tr valign="top"><td>
\NC \Use2[c]{Item} \NC \NC \AR
\DL[2] \DC \DR
\NC Animal \NC Description \NC Price (\$) \NC \AR
\NC Gnat \NC per gram \NC 13.65 \NC \AR
\NC \NC each \NC 0.01 \NC \AR
\NC Gnu \NC stuffed \NC 92.50 \NC \AR
\NC Emu \NC stuffed \NC 33.33 \NC \AR
\NC Armadillo \NC frozen \NC 8.99 \NC \AR
\NC \Use2[c]{Item} \NC \NC \AR
\DL[2] \DC \DR
\NC Animal \NC Description \NC Price (\$) \NC \AR
\NC Gnat \NC per gram \NC 13.65 \NC \AR
\NC \NC each \NC 0.01 \NC \AR
\NC Gnu \NC stuffed \NC 92.50 \NC \AR
\NC Emu \NC stuffed \NC 33.33 \NC \AR
\NC Armadillo \NC frozen \NC 8.99 \NC \AR