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833 bytes added ,  12:27, 24 November 2008
=Column Sets=
see See [[manual:columns.pdf|Columns manual]] or [[source:page-set.tex|column sets source]]
If you don't need much more than the "normal" columns, but e.g. "lines" mode, try this:
If you need more (layout grid features, spreads, different column widths etc.) please read the manual!
==Vertical lines between columns (rules)==
Sometimes it is required to have a vertical line between the columns of your columnset. This code draws MetaPost lines in the right place (note that it uses textbackground):
for i=1 upto NOfTextColumns-1 :
draw (rightboundary TextColumns[i]) shifted (2.5mm,0) shifted -\MPxy\textanchor ;
endfor ;
setbounds currentpicture to OverlayBox ;
\chapter{Chapter One}
\starttextbackground[text] \dorecurse {10}{\input knuth} \stoptextbackground