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The following code is an example of how to draw a graphic on every page of a document. The graphic (a grey rectangle) appears in a different place for each chapter, and the chapter number appears in the rectangle as well. This is often called a thumb index - your thumb can flip the pages of a book while you watch the contents flash past...

% by Hans Hagen, of course :-)

\unprotected \def\rawsectionnumber#1{\countervalue{\??se#1}} % will be in kernel





\def\NOfChapters{4} % i need to make this one available

\startsetups thumbs


     \vbox to \paperheight \bgroup
         \vskip \rawsectionnumber{section-2} \measure{thumbheight}
         \vskip -1                           \measure{thumbheight}
             {\bfa \rawsectionnumber{section-2}}



\chapter{first}  \dorecurse{10}{\input tufte  }
\chapter{second} \dorecurse{10}{\input davis  }
\chapter{third}  \dorecurse{10}{\input zapf   }
\chapter{fourth} \dorecurse{10}{\input bryson }


Bertrand Russell was giving a lesson on solipsism to a lay audience, and a woman got up and said she was delighted to hear Bertrand Russell say he was a solipsist; she was one too, and she wished there were more of us.

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