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<cmd>usetypescriptfile</cmd> loads a given file (<code>[[source:type-gyr.tex|type-gyr.tex</code> ]] in this case). This file usually contains definitions of ''typescripts''. The core typescript files (such as [[source:type-tmf.tex|type-tmf.tex]], [[source:type-one.tex|type-one.tex]] in pdTeX or [[source:type-otf.tex|type-otf.tex]] in LuaTeX/XeTeX, ...) are already preloaded, so you would usually need this only to load your own definitions. <code>\usetypescriptfile[type-gyr]</code> will soon become obsolete (TeX Gyre will be the default). <cmd>usetypescript</cmd> kind of "selects" (?) the specified typescript from that file. It takes up to three parametres and their rôles are still cryptic to me...
== Defining typescripts ==