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|Basic Latin
|[ U0000.pdf]
|Latin-1 Supplement
|[ U0080.pdf]
|Latin Extended-A
|[ U0100.pdf]
|Latin Extended-B
|[ U0180.pdf]
|IPA Extensions
|[ U0250.pdf]
|Spacing Modifier Letters
|[ U02B0.pdf]
|Combining Diacritical Marks
|[ U0300.pdf]
|Greek and Coptic
|[ U0370.pdf]
|[ U0400.pdf]
|Cyrillic Supplement
|[ U0500.pdf]
|[ U0530.pdf]
|[ U0590.pdf]
|[ U0600.pdf]
|[ U0700.pdf]
|Arabic Supplement
|[ U0750.pdf]
|[ U0780.pdf]
|[ U07C0.pdf]
|[ U0800.pdf]
|[ U0840.pdf]
|Syriac Supplement
|[ U0860.pdf]
|Arabic Extended-A
|[ U08A0.pdf]
|[ U0900.pdf]
|[ U0980.pdf]
|[ U0A00.pdf]
|[ U0A80.pdf]
|[ U0B00.pdf]
|[ U0B80.pdf]
|[ U0C00.pdf]
|[ U0C80.pdf]
|[ U0D00.pdf]
|[ U0D80.pdf]
|[ U0E00.pdf]
|[ U0E80.pdf]
|[ U0F00.pdf]
|[ U1000.pdf]
|[ U10A0.pdf]
|Hangul Jamo
|[ U1100.pdf]
|[ U1200.pdf]
|Ethiopic Supplement
|[ U1380.pdf]
|[ U13A0.pdf]
|Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics
|[ U1400.pdf]
|[ U1680.pdf]
|[ U16A0.pdf]
|[ U1700.pdf]
|[ U1720.pdf]
|[ U1740.pdf]
|[ U1760.pdf]
|[ U1780.pdf]
|[ U1800.pdf]
|Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Extended
|[ U18B0.pdf]
|[ U1900.pdf]
|Tai Le
|[ U1950.pdf]
|New Tai Lue
|[ U1980.pdf]
|Khmer Symbols
|[ U19E0.pdf]
|[ U1A00.pdf]
|Tai Tham
|[ U1A20.pdf]
|Combining Diacritical Marks Extended
|[ U1AB0.pdf]
|[ U1B00.pdf]
|[ U1B80.pdf]
|[ U1BC0.pdf]
|[ U1C00.pdf]
|Ol Chiki
|[ U1C50.pdf]
|Cyrillic Extended-C
|[ U1C80.pdf]
|Sundanese Supplement
|[ U1CC0.pdf]
|Vedic Extensions
|[ U1CD0.pdf]
|Phonetic Extensions
|[ U1D00.pdf]
|Phonetic Extensions Supplement
|[ U1D80.pdf]
|Combining Diacritical Marks Supplement
|[ U1DC0.pdf]
|Latin Extended Additional
|[ U1E00.pdf]
|Greek Extended
|[ U1F00.pdf]
|General Punctuation
|[ U2000.pdf]
|Superscripts and Subscripts
|[ U2070.pdf]
|Currency Symbols
|[ U20A0.pdf]
|Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols
|[ U20D0.pdf]
|Letterlike Symbols
|[ U2100.pdf]
|Number Forms
|[ U2150.pdf]
|[ U2190.pdf]
|Mathematical Operators
|[ U2200.pdf]
|Miscellaneous Technical
|[ U2300.pdf]
|Control Pictures
|[ U2400.pdf]
|Optical Character Recognition
|[ U2440.pdf]
|Enclosed Alphanumerics
|[ U2460.pdf]
|Box Drawing
|[ U2500.pdf]
|Block Elements
|[ U2580.pdf]
|Geometric Shapes
|[ U25A0.pdf]
|Miscellaneous Symbols
|[ U2600.pdf]
|[ U2700.pdf]
|Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A
|[ U27C0.pdf]
|Supplemental Arrows-A
|[ U27F0.pdf]
|Braille Patterns
|[ U2800.pdf]
|Supplemental Arrows-B
|[ U2900.pdf]
|Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B
|[ U2980.pdf]
|Supplemental Mathematical Operators
|[ U2A00.pdf]
|Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
|[ U2B00.pdf]
|[ U2C00.pdf]
|Latin Extended-C
|[ U2C60.pdf]
|[ U2C80.pdf]
|Georgian Supplement
|[ U2D00.pdf]
|[ U2D30.pdf]
|Ethiopic Extended
|[ U2D80.pdf]
|Cyrillic Extended-A
|[ U2DE0.pdf]
|Supplemental Punctuation
|[ U2E00.pdf]
|CJK Radicals Supplement
|[ U2E80.pdf]
|Kangxi Radicals
|[ U2F00.pdf]
|Ideographic Description Characters
|[ U2FF0.pdf]
|CJK Symbols and Punctuation
|[ U3000.pdf]
|[ U3040.pdf]
|[ U30A0.pdf]
|[ U3100.pdf]
|Hangul Compatibility Jamo
|[ U3130.pdf]
|[ U3190.pdf]
|Bopomofo Extended
|[ U31A0.pdf]
|CJK Strokes
|[ U31C0.pdf]
|Katakana Phonetic Extensions
|[ U31F0.pdf]
|Enclosed CJK Letters and Months
|[ U3200.pdf]
|CJK Compatibility
|[ U3300.pdf]
|CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A
|[ U3400.pdf]
|Yijing Hexagram Symbols
|[ U4DC0.pdf]
|CJK Unified Ideographs
|[ U4E00.pdf]
|Yi Syllables
|[ UA000.pdf]
|Yi Radicals
|[ UA490.pdf]
|[ UA4D0.pdf]
|[ UA500.pdf]
|Cyrillic Extended-B
|[ UA640.pdf]
|[ UA6A0.pdf]
|Modifier Tone Letters
|[ UA700.pdf]
|Latin Extended-D
|[ UA720.pdf]
|Syloti Nagri
|[ UA800.pdf]
|Common Indic Number Forms
|[ UA830.pdf]
|[ UA840.pdf]
|[ UA880.pdf]
|Devanagari Extended
|[ UA8E0.pdf]
|Kayah Li
|[ UA900.pdf]
|[ UA930.pdf]
|Hangul Jamo Extended-A
|[ UA960.pdf]
|[ UA980.pdf]
|Myanmar Extended-B
|[ UA9E0.pdf]
|[ UAA00.pdf]
|Myanmar Extended-A
|[ UAA60.pdf]
|Tai Viet
|[ UAA80.pdf]
|Meetei Mayek Extensions
|[ UAAE0.pdf]
|Ethiopic Extended-A
|[ UAB00.pdf]
|Latin Extended-E
|[ UAB30.pdf]
|Cherokee Supplement
|[ UAB70.pdf]
|Meetei Mayek
|[ UABC0.pdf]
|Hangul Syllables
|[ UAC00.pdf]
|Hangul Jamo Extended-B
|[ UD7B0.pdf]
|High Surrogates
|[ UD800.pdf]
|High Private Use Surrogates
|[ UDB80.pdf]
|Low Surrogates
|[ UDC00.pdf]
|Private Use Area
|[ UE000.pdf]
|CJK Compatibility Ideographs
|[ UF900.pdf]
|Alphabetic Presentation Forms
|[ UFB00.pdf]
|Arabic Presentation Forms-A
|[ UFB50.pdf]
|Variation Selectors
|[ UFE00.pdf]
|Vertical Forms
|[ UFE10.pdf]
|Combining Half Marks
|[ UFE20.pdf]
|CJK Compatibility Forms
|[ UFE30.pdf]
|Small Form Variants
|[ UFE50.pdf]
|Arabic Presentation Forms-B
|[ UFE70.pdf]
|Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms
|[ UFF00.pdf]
|[ UFFF0.pdf]
|Linear B Syllabary
|[ U10000.pdf]
|Linear B Ideograms
|[ U10080.pdf]
|Aegean Numbers
|[ U10100.pdf]
|Ancient Greek Numbers
|[ U10140.pdf]
|Ancient Symbols
|[ U10190.pdf]
|Phaistos Disc
|[ U101D0.pdf]
|[ U10280.pdf]
|[ U102A0.pdf]
|Coptic Epact Numbers
|[ U102E0.pdf]
|Old Italic
|[ U10300.pdf]
|[ U10330.pdf]
|Old Permic
|[ U10350.pdf]
|[ U10380.pdf]
|Old Persian
|[ U103A0.pdf]
|[ U10400.pdf]
|[ U10450.pdf]
|[ U10480.pdf]
|[ U104B0.pdf]
|[ U10500.pdf]
|Caucasian Albanian
|[ U10530.pdf]
|Linear A
|[ U10600.pdf]
|Cypriot Syllabary
|[ U10800.pdf]
|Imperial Aramaic
|[ U10840.pdf]
|[ U10860.pdf]
|[ U10880.pdf]
|[ U108E0.pdf]
|[ U10900.pdf]
|[ U10920.pdf]
|Meroitic Hieroglyphs
|[ U10980.pdf]
|Meroitic Cursive
|[ U109A0.pdf]
|[ U10A00.pdf]
|Old South Arabian
|[ U10A60.pdf]
|Old North Arabian
|[ U10A80.pdf]
|[ U10AC0.pdf]
|[ U10B00.pdf]
|Inscriptional Parthian
|[ U10B40.pdf]
|Inscriptional Pahlavi
|[ U10B60.pdf]
|Psalter Pahlavi
|[ U10B80.pdf]
|Old Turkic
|[ U10C00.pdf]
|Old Hungarian
|[ U10C80.pdf]
|Rumi Numeral Symbols
|[ U10E60.pdf]
|[ U11000.pdf]
|[ U11080.pdf]
|Sora Sompeng
|[ U110D0.pdf]
|[ U11100.pdf]
|[ U11150.pdf]
|[ U11180.pdf]
|Sinhala Archaic Numbers
|[ U111E0.pdf]
|[ U11200.pdf]
|[ U11280.pdf]
|[ U112B0.pdf]
|[ U11300.pdf]
|[ U11400.pdf]
|[ U11480.pdf]
|[ U11580.pdf]
|[ U11600.pdf]
|Mongolian Supplement
|[ U11660.pdf]
|[ U11680.pdf]
|[ U11700.pdf]
|Warang Citi
|[ U118A0.pdf]
|Zanabazar Square
|[ U11A00.pdf]
|[ U11A50.pdf]
|Pau Cin Hau
|[ U11AC0.pdf]
|[ U11C00.pdf]
|[ U11C70.pdf]
|Masaram Gondi
|[ U11D00.pdf]
|[ U12000.pdf]
|Cuneiform Numbers and Punctuation
|[ U12400.pdf]
|Early Dynastic Cuneiform
|[ U12480.pdf]
|Egyptian Hieroglyphs
|[ U13000.pdf]
|Anatolian Hieroglyphs
|[ U14400.pdf]
|Bamum Supplement
|[ U16800.pdf]
|[ U16A40.pdf]
|Bassa Vah
|[ U16AD0.pdf]
|Pahawh Hmong
|[ U16B00.pdf]
|[ U16F00.pdf]
|Ideographic Symbols and Punctuation
|[ U16FE0.pdf]
|[ U17000.pdf]
|Tangut Components
|[ U18800.pdf]
|Kana Supplement
|[ U1B000.pdf]
|Kana Extended-A
|[ U1B100.pdf]
|[ U1B170.pdf]
|[ U1BC00.pdf]
|Shorthand Format Controls
|[ U1BCA0.pdf]
|Byzantine Musical Symbols
|[ U1D000.pdf]
|Musical Symbols
|[ U1D100.pdf]
|Ancient Greek Musical Notation
|[ U1D200.pdf]
|Tai Xuan Jing Symbols
|[ U1D300.pdf]
|Counting Rod Numerals
|[ U1D360.pdf]
|Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols
|[ U1D400.pdf]
|Sutton SignWriting
|[ U1D800.pdf]
|Glagolitic Supplement
|[ U1E000.pdf]
|Mende Kikakui
|[ U1E800.pdf]
|[ U1E900.pdf]
|Arabic Mathematical Alphabetic Symbols
|[ U1EE00.pdf]
|Mahjong Tiles
|[ U1F000.pdf]
|Domino Tiles
|[ U1F030.pdf]
|Playing Cards
|[ U1F0A0.pdf]
|Enclosed Alphanumeric Supplement
|[ U1F100.pdf]
|Enclosed Ideographic Supplement
|[ U1F200.pdf]
|Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
|[ U1F300.pdf]
|[ U1F600.pdf]
|Ornamental Dingbats
|[ U1F650.pdf]
|Transport and Map Symbols
|[ U1F680.pdf]
|Alchemical Symbols
|[ U1F700.pdf]
|Geometric Shapes Extended
|[ U1F780.pdf]
|Supplemental Arrows-C
|[ U1F800.pdf]
|Supplemental Symbols and Pictographs
|[ U1F900.pdf]
|CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
|[ U20000.pdf]
|CJK Unified Ideographs Extension C
|[ U2A700.pdf]
|CJK Unified Ideographs Extension D
|[ U2B740.pdf]
|CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E
|[ U2B820.pdf]
|CJK Unified Ideographs Extension F
|[ U2CEB0.pdf]
|CJK Compatibility Ideographs Supplement
|[ U2F800.pdf]
|[ UE0000.pdf]
|Variation Selectors Supplement
|[ UE0100.pdf]
|Supplementary Private Use Area-A
|[ UF0000.pdf]
|Supplementary Private Use Area-B
|[ U100000.pdf]


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