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Under Linux installation is not difficult at all, so in this case I choose to not create a luatex-lunatic apart, as done above for sagemath.<br/>
See an This example shot how to literally embedoriginal python source code . <table><tr><td><texcode>\startluacodefunction test_ROOT(filename) require("python") pg = python.globals()  python.execute([[def run(filename): from ROOT import TCanvas, TGraph from ROOT import gROOT from math import sin from array import array   gROOT.Reset()  c1 = TCanvas( 'c1', 'A Simple Graph Example', 200, 10, 700, 500 )  c1.SetFillColor( 42 ) c1.SetGrid()  n = 20 x, y = array( 'd' ), array( 'd' )  for i in range( n ): x.append( 0.1*i ) y.append( 10*sin( x[i]+0.2 ) )  gr = TGraph( n, x, y ) gr.SetLineColor( 2 ) gr.SetLineWidth( 4 ) gr.SetMarkerColor( 4 ) gr.SetMarkerStyle( 21 ) gr.SetTitle( 'a simple graph' ) gr.GetXaxis().SetTitle( 'X title' ) gr.GetYaxis().SetTitle( 'Y title' ) gr.Draw( 'ACP' ) c1.Update() c1.Print(filename)]]) run = run(filename)end\stopluacode \starttext\startTEXpage\ctxlua{test_ROOT("testsin.pdf")}\rotate[rotation=90]{\externalfigure[testsin.pdf][width=5cm]}\stopTEXpage\stoptext</texcode> </td><td> [[Image:Testsin.jpg|512px]] </td> </tr></table> We can do a bit better: separate python code from lua code .<br/>Save this in <tt></tt> (so it's also easy to test) :<pre>from ROOT import TCanvas, TGraph ,TGraphErrors,TMultiGraphfrom ROOT import gROOTfrom math import sinfrom array import array def run(filename): c1 = TCanvas("c1","multigraph",200,10,700,500) c1.SetGrid()  # draw a frame to define the range mg = TMultiGraph() #ROOT create first graph n = 24; x = array('d',range(24)) data = file('data').readlines() for line in data: line = line.strip() y = array('d',[float(d) for d in line.split()]) gr = TGraph(n,x,y) gr.Fit("pol6","q") mg.Add(gr)  mg.Draw("ap")  #force drawing of canvas to generate the fit TPaveStats c1.Update() c1.Print(filename) </pre>Here file 'data' is a 110 lines file with 24 floats values space separated,ie <br/><tt> 20.6000 19.4000 19.4000 18.3000 17.8000 16.1000 16.7000 21.1000 23.3000 26.1000 26.1000 27.2000 27.8000 28.3000 28.3000 27.2000 25.6000 22.8000 21.7000 21.7000 21.7000 21.7000 21.7000 21.7000 </tt>.<br/>Now a tex file, with a simple layer in lua as interface for python:{||-| here<texcode>\startluacodefunction test_ROOT(filename) require("python") test = python.import('test-ROOT1')\stopluacode \starttext\startTEXpage\ctxlua{test_ROOT("data.pdf")}\rotate[rotation=90]{\externalfigure[data.pdf] }\stopTEXpage\stoptext</texcode> | [[Image:Test-ROOT1.jpg|300px]]|}
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