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3,400 bytes added ,  18:49, 16 December 2012
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Hi, I use this page to support my question regarding context and summarize the result. Once a problem is solved I will move that text into the "normal" wiki pages.
=Bug(?): Formula numbering=
''All following example have following frame: <texcode>\usemodule[newmath] \setupformulas[way=bytext,prefix=no]\setupsubformulas[conversion=romannumerals] \starttext...(reviewing example placed here)...\stoptext</texcode>  ==List of formulas== <texcode>\placelist[formula][criterium=all,alternative=c]</texcode> The list of formulas seems to be totally out of order. Strange numbering and missing names.   ==formula== Expected formular number: (1) <texcode>\placenamedformula[one]{Der einfache Test}\startformulac^2 = a^2 + b^2.\stopformula</texcode> Result: (1) -> '''Works'''  ==subformula== Expected formular numbers: (1a) and (1b) <texcode>\startsubformulas[eq:1]\placeformula[eq:first]\startformulaPM \xrightarrow R_{PM} \xrightarrow PM\stopformula \placeformula[eq:second]\startformulaR_{PM} = \{ K, F, Z, U, I, J\}\stopformula\stopsubformulas</texcode> Result: (1a) and nothing -> '''Does not work.'''  ==align - formula== Expected formular numbers: (1a) and (1a) and a reference to formular (1b) <texcode>\startsubformulas\startformulas\placeformula\startformula\startalign[n=3, align={right,middle,left}]\NC PM \xrightarrow \NC R_{PM} \NC \xrightarrow PM \NR[+]\NC R_{PM} \NC = \NC \{ A, B, C, D, E\} \NR[a]\stopalign\stopformula\stopformulas\stopsubformulas</texcode> Result: nothing and nothing -> '''Does not work.'''  Expected formular numbers: (1) and (2) <texcode>\placeformula\startformula\startalign[n=3, align={right,middle,left}]\NC PM \xrightarrow \NC R_{PM} \NC \xrightarrow PM \NR[+]\NC R_{PM} \NC = \NC \{ A, B, C, D, E\} \NR[+]\stopalign\stopformula</texcode> Result: (1) and (2) -> '''Works'''  ==align - subformula== Expected formular numbers: (1.1), (1.2) and (1.c) plus reference on (1.1) and (1.2) <texcode>\placesubformula\startformula\startalign[n=3, align={right,middle,left}]\NC PM \xrightarrow \NC R_{PM} \NC \xrightarrow PM \NR[gleichung1a][.1]\NC R_{PM} \NC = \NC \{ A, B, C, D, E\} \NR[gleichung1b][.2]\NC R_{PM} \NC = \NC \{ A, B, C, D, E\} \NR[+][c]\stopalign\stopformula</texcode> Result: (1), (2) and (3) -> '''Does not work.'''  Expected formular numbers: (1a) and (1b) plus reference on (1a) and (1b) <texcode>\placesubformula\startformula\startalign[n=3, align={right,middle,left}]\NC PM \xrightarrow \NC R_{PM} \NC \xrightarrow PM \NR[gleichung1a][+]\NC R_{PM} \NC = \NC \{ A, B, C, D, E\} \NR[gleichung1b][]\stopalign\stopformula</texcode> Result: (1) and (2) -> '''Does not work.'''  ==eqalignno - formula== Taken from wiki and removed the bug atmsubformulanumber. Expected formular numbers: (1), (2), (3) and (4): <texcode>\placeformula\startformula\eqalignno{ c^2 &= a^2 + b^2 &\formulanumber \cr c &= \left(a^2 + b^2\right)^{\vfrac{1}{2}} &\formulanumber\cr a^2 + b^2 &= c^2 &\formulanumber \cr d^2 &= e^2 &\formulanumber \cr}\stopformula</texcode> Result: (1), (2), (3) and (4) -> '''Works'''  ==eqalignno - subformula== Directly taken form wiki. Expected formular numbers (1), (1a), (1b) and (2): <texcode>\placeformula\startformula\eqalignno{ c^2 &= a^2 + b^2 &\formulanumber{a} \cr c &= \left(a^2 + b^2\right)^{\vfrac{1}{2}} &\subformulanumber{b}\cr a^2 + b^2 &= c^2 &\subformulanumber{c} \cr d^2 &= e^2 &\formulanumber\cr}\stopformula</texcode> Result: Does not compile Does as the command type{subformularnumber} is unknown -> '''Does not work.'''


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