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Bug: Formula numbering - subnumbers and list of formulas

All following example have following frame:



...(example placed here)...

What works


Expected formular number: (1)

\placenamedformula[one]{Der einfache Test}
c^2 = a^2 + b^2.

Result: (1) -> Works

align - formular [+]

Expected formular numbers: (1) and (2)

\startalign[n=3, align={right,middle,left}]
\NC PM \xrightarrow \NC R_{PM} \NC \xrightarrow PM \NR[+]
\NC R_{PM} \NC = \NC \{ A, B, C, D, E\} \NR[+]

Result: (1) and (2) -> Works

align - subformular [+]

Expected numbers: (1.a), (1.b), (1.c), (1.d) and reference on (1) and (1.b)

\startformula \startalign
\NC a 	\NC \eq b  	\NR[+]
\NC c 	\NC \neq d 	\NR
\NC   	\NC \neq f 	\NR[eq:sub]
\NC   	\NC \geq g 	\NR[+]
\NC   	\NC \leq h 	\NR[+]
\NC   	\NC \eq i 		\NR
\stopalign \stopformula

Result: (1.a), (1.b), (1.c), (1.d) -> Works.

BUT: Every formula with a reference is automatic listed in the table of formulas (nameless) - at the moment there is no possiblity to have a reference without listing the formula.

eqalignno - formula

Taken from wiki and removed the subformulanumber. Expected formular numbers: (1), (2), (3) and (4):

  c^2 &= a^2 + b^2  &\formulanumber \cr
  c &= \left(a^2 + b^2\right)^{\vfrac{1}{2}} &\formulanumber\cr
  a^2 + b^2 &= c^2  &\formulanumber \cr
  d^2 &= e^2        &\formulanumber \cr}

Result: (1), (2), (3) and (4) -> Works

What does not work

List of formulas


The list of formulas seems to be totally out of order. Strange numbering and missing names. Needs more investigation once some of the named formulas constructions are fixed.


Expected formular numbers: (1a) and (1b)

PM \xrightarrow R_{PM} \xrightarrow PM

R_{PM} = \{ K, F, Z, U, I, J\}

Result: (1a) and nothing -> Does not work.

align - formula (subformulas->formulas->formula)

Expected formular numbers: (1a) and (1a) and a reference to formular (1b)

\startalign[n=3, align={right,middle,left}]
\NC PM \xrightarrow \NC R_{PM} \NC \xrightarrow PM \NR[+]
\NC R_{PM} \NC = \NC \{ A, B, C, D, E\} \NR[a]

Result: nothing and nothing -> Does not work.

align - subformula

Expected formular numbers: (1.1), (1.2) and (1.c) plus reference on (1.1) and (1.2)

\startalign[n=3, align={right,middle,left}]
\NC PM \xrightarrow \NC R_{PM} \NC \xrightarrow PM \NR[gleichung1a][.1]
\NC R_{PM} \NC = \NC \{ A, B, C, D, E\} \NR[gleichung1b][.2]
\NC R_{PM} \NC = \NC \{ A, B, C, D, E\} \NR[+][c]

Result: (1), (2) and (3) -> Does not work.

Expected formular numbers: (1a) and (1b) plus reference on (1a) and (1b)

\startalign[n=3, align={right,middle,left}]
\NC PM \xrightarrow \NC R_{PM} \NC \xrightarrow PM \NR[gleichung1a][+]
\NC R_{PM} \NC = \NC \{ A, B, C, D, E\} \NR[gleichung1b][]

Result: (1) and (2) -> Does not work.

eqalignno - subformula

Directly taken form wiki. Expected formular numbers (1), (1a), (1b) and (2):

  c^2 &= a^2 + b^2  &\formulanumber{a} \cr
  c &= \left(a^2 + b^2\right)^{\vfrac{1}{2}} &\subformulanumber{b}\cr
  a^2 + b^2 &= c^2  &\subformulanumber{c} \cr
  d^2 &= e^2        &\formulanumber\cr}

Result: Does not compile Does as the command type{subformularnumber} is unknown -> Does not work.

Suggestion for new syntax

Open for discussion :-)

The needs out of existing syntax and my personal experience:

  • formulas and subformulas in the same block
  • referencing on a subformula does not include automaticly a entry in the list of formulas
  • simple, block and eqalignno


Expected formular number: (1) and list entry (1) -> "Der einfache Test"

\placeformula[reference={one},listlabel={Der einfache Test}]
c^2 = a^2 + b^2.

Expected formular number: (1.3) and list entry (1.3) -> "Der einfache Test"

\placeformula[sublevel={.3},reference={one},listlabel={Der einfache Test}]
c^2 = a^2 + b^2.

Block notation: NR

No specific values -> [+] otherwise classic attribute/value [...]

Expected numbers: (1.a), nothing, (1.b), (2), (2.a), nothing and (3); with reference on (1) and (1.b); with list entries of (1) -> "System of stuff", (2.a) -> "Great piece" and (3) -> "Last part"

\placenamedformula[reference={eq:ax=b},listlabel={System of stuff}]
\startformula \startalign
\NC a 	\NC \eq b  	\NR[sublevel={.a}]
\NC c 	\NC \neq d 	\NR
\NC   	\NC \neq f 	\NR[reference={eq:sub},sublevel={.b}]
\NC   	\NC \geq g 	\NR[+]
\NC   	\NC \leq h 	\NR[listlabel={Great piece},sublevel={.a}]
\NC   	\NC \eq i 	\NR
\NC   	\NC \eq i 	\NR[listlabel={Last part}]
\stopalign \stopformula


Expected formular numbers (1), (1a), (1.c) and (2); reference on (2); list entries (1.c) -> "Yea!" and (2) -> "Ups"

  c^2 &= a^2 + b^2  &\formulanumber \cr
  c &= \left(a^2 + b^2\right)^{\vfrac{1}{2}} &\formulanumber[sublevel={a}]\cr
  a^2 + b^2 &= c^2  &\formulanumber[sublevel={.c},listlabel={Yea!}] \cr
  d^2 &= e^2        &\formulanumber[listlabel={Ups},reference={eq:ups}]\cr}


All three commands:

  • \NR
  • \placeformula
  • \formualanumber

will share the same attributes:

  • sublevel (maybe better: formulalevel or just level?)
    to define and concrete the (sub-)level of the formula
  • listlabel (maybe textlabel? the numberlabel is still needed)
    to add a entry in the list of formulas
  • reference
    just a classic reference in order to link to it

so that the syntax is more intuitive during writing.

Also. this way the commands:

  • placesubformula
  • placenamedformula
  • placenamedsubformula
  • startstopsubformulas
  • subformulanumber

will become needless.

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