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1,550 bytes added ,  12:30, 9 December 2005
some additional notes about MikTeX specifics
* PDF viewer (Adobe Reader, GSview or any other)
== Which ConTeXt distribution to choose? ==
You have to bear in mind that ConTeXt is being developed reasonably fast (see [[Release Notes]]), so it's recommended to update it regulary.
=== Stand-alone ConTeXt distribution ===
{{todo|also installation instructions for stand-alone since it's not very intuitive; also explain how to choose which ConTeX to execute in case there is also MikTeX ot TeX Live installed; explain the best way for updating}}
=== MikTeX ===
* Go to miktex options. select miktex TeX formats. choose any one format cont-nl, cont-uk, cont-de and cont-en. uncheck the exclude. press build. The format file will be generated and ready for compilation.
{{todo|write which "packages" from MikTeX are needed to make ConTeXt work}}=== Packages that you need ===
Required:* context<!-- * miktex-etex* I guess it's there already -->* miktex-metapost*<!-- * miktex-pdf(e)tex* I guess it's there already -->* ... ? Recommended:* m-bib* miktex-bibtex** miktex-ghostscript** ... ? {{todo|if someone installs MikTeX from scratch, please write which packages are required and don't come by default with the minimal distribution}} === After you install or change something === * ''MikTeX Options -> General -> File name database -> Refresh Now''* ''MikTeX Options -> General -> Format Files -> Update Now''* ''MikTeX Options -> Roots -> [select one] -> Refresh FNDB'' ''(Don't forget to run the <b>MikTeX Update Wizard</b> regularly!)'' === Additional settings === Some default "security settings" (not really relevant for you unless you run it on a server) may cause you troubles, esp. when using MetaFun. Do the following:* In <code>[MikTeX PATH]\tex\context\user\cont-sys.tex</code> uncomment the following lines:<texcode>\runMPgraphicstrue\runMPTEXgraphicstrue</texcode>* In case the file doesn't exist yet, copy the file <code>cont-sys.rme</code> (in the same folder) to <code>cont-sys.tex</code> first. <code>cont-sys.rme</code> may change every now and then, so check for major changes from time to time and update your <code>cont-sys.tex</code> accordingly.* Create a file <code>[localtexmf PATH]\miktex\config\miktex.ini</code> and add the following line to it: write18=enable(<code>[MikTeX PATH]</code> and <code>[localtexmf PATH]</code> are chosen during the installation. If you don't know what they are, take a look at ''MikTeX Options -> Roots'') == TeX Live ===
{{todo|can someone with any experience write something about it?}}
== Installing Perl and Ruby ==
If windows complains about ''"Command not found"'', go to the ''Control Panel'' -> ''System'' -> ''Advanced'' -> click on the ''"Environment variables"'' and choose '''path''' in ''"system variables"''. Type in the path (e.g. D\Program Files\Perl\bin\;) where the ruby and perl *.exe files are installed. Generally, the installation is automatic. you may not need the above method.
== Installing GhostScript ==
You have to download GhostScript (filename '''<code>gs851w32.exe</code>''' or a similar one) and preferrably GSview as well ('''<code>gsv47w32.exe</code>''' or similar). Be sure to include the executables (folder where gswin32.exe is located) into the PATH variable.
== Choosing a text editor & compiling ==
=== For newbies [like Word (ex)users] ===
{{todo|Explain the difference between GUI/text editor/compiler; people often ask me: "ConTeXt - oh, you mean that program with a blue screen and colourful fonts?"}}
* [[Vim]] or [ Emacs] may be a good choice if you're willing to invest some time into learning them - it may be worth the effort.
=== Compiling ===
After you've done all that, you can finally use your favourite editor to write your [[First Document|first document]].
* see [[Vim#Makefile|makefile]] for Vim
== Other useful software ==
Assuming that you already have Adobe Reader (if not, you can get it [ here]; you don't need it to compile your documents, but at least to see the results), there is still some software still worth mentioning.
=== PStoEDIT ===
pstoedit for windows can be downloaded from
Only needed in order to be able to use some advanced features such as those mentioned in [[manual:mmakempy.pdf|METAPOST outlines]]
=== See also ... ===
* [[LilyPond]]