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== Before you start ... ==
1. Placing a font switch at the begin beginning of a paragraph can sometimes generate unexpected side-effects. This can be avoided by forcing horizontal mode before any font change:
\dontleavehmode{\bf Warning!} Care must be taken when a font switch is used at the beginning of a paragraph.\par
words: they do not change the bodyfont, so they don't affect interline spacing or math font sizes. So, if
you want to change the font size of an entire paragraph, use
{{cmd|switchtobodyfont}} described below in [[Font_SwitchingFont Switching#Complete_font_changeComplete font .28bodyfont.29 change|Complete Font Changefont (bodyfont) change]].
These caveats also hold when the font switches are used as style directives for <code>[[Style_and_Color_Parameters|style=]]...</code> in any setup command that accepts <code>style</code> option. For example, if you are defining a block quote environment that uses a smaller font size, instead of
Note however that <code>\{{cmd|setupinterlinespace</code> }} is added automatically for section heads, so
works correctly.  
== Mnemonic font switches ==
