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remove mkii, small fixes
Synctext currently doesn't work with MKIV''SyncTeX''' is a program that puts a lot of anchors in the output file that link to the corresponding position in the source file. This allows you to quickly jump from PDF to source.
With a ConTeXt version > 2009.06.13 you can run texexec --synctex jobnamethat will create a file <code>jobname.synctex.gz</code>.The command ctxtools --purge --allor next run without --synctex will remove the file again.== Usage ==
You can use the <code>--synctex</code> switch to enable SyncTeX.  context --synctex <i>jobname</i> Alternatively you can add one of the following commands to your MkIV document:<texcode>\setupsynctex[state=start,method=min] % clickable words\setupsynctex[state=start,method=max] % more efficient clickable ranges</texcode> This will create a file <code><i>jobname</i>.synctex</code>. The command context --purgeor next run without <code>--synctex</code> will remove the file again. Some editors/viewers need a different format, that you can enable by <code>--synctex=repeat</code> resp. <code>\setupsynctex[state=repeat]</code>. To see what became clickable, use one of<texcode>\enabletrackers[system.synctex.visualize]\enabletrackers[system.synctex.visualize=real]</texcode> This file can be used by your editor and PDF viewer to display jump back and forth between the proper filesource and the PDF.
== Editors & Viewers ==
=== TeXshop ===
Works quite well, but needs “magic lines” like:
% !TEX TS-program = ConTeXt2023
% !TEX useAlternatePath
% !TEX useConTeXtSyncParser
Setup see [[TeXShop|extra page on TeXshop]].
=== TeXWorks ===
You may need to modify the command for executing ConTeXt first (you need to add <code>--synctex</code> switch in preferences).
=== Emacs + auctex === To implement forward search with auctex (i.e., open the viewer at the right page from emacs)creating a shell script called '''synctex''' in some directory which precedes one containingthe "usual" synctex (if any) in your $PATH with the following contents has been demonstratedto work on at least Slackware64 15.0:  #! /bin/zsh # synctex replacement to allow forward search from emacs+auctex to (at least) evince # Emacs + auctex calls synctex up to three times. # For example, attempting to view the PDF of <FILE>.tex would cause # emacs to run the following commands ($PWD is the path to the # current directory): # synctex view -i <LINE>:<COL>:$PWD/./<FILE>.tex -o <FILE>.pdf # synctex view -i <LINE>:<COL>:<FILE>.tex -o <FILE>.pdf # synctex view -i <LINE>:<COL>:$PWD/<FILE>.tex -o <FILE>.pdf line_number=${3%%:*} tex_file=${3##*:} synctex_file=${tex_file%.tex}.synctex # Transmogrify the output format of mtxrun into something that emacs+auctex # (and maybe other editors?) recognizes: mtxrun --script synctex --find \ --file=$tex_file --line=$line_number $synctex_file \ | sed 's/.*page=/Page:/' (Note: this has only been tested with simple document structures.) === Evince, Okular & Kile ===Okular (the KDE PDF viewer) and Evince (the GNOME one) support SyncTeX (the latter since version 2.32.0). To forward something from a text editor to Okular, do okular --unique '${pdffile}#src:${linenumber} ${texfile}' Kile’s (the KDE TeX IDE’s) ForwardPDF function should support SyncTeX, but it doesn’t seem to work with ConTeXt at the time of writing  === Kate & Okular === * You have to compile with <tt>--synctex=repeat</tt>** <code>context --synctex=repeat myfile.tex</code>* From Okular to Kate (forward search)** configuration > Configure Okular > Editor > Kate > <tt>kate --line %l --column %c</tt>** the current mode should be "browse" <tt>ctrl+1</tt>, not "area selection", nor "text selection" etc...** <tt>maj+clic</tt> will load the file in kate at the appropriate line* From Okular to Kate (inverse search)** no solution yet === & TextMate (Mac OS MacOS X) ===
In Skim/Preferences/Sync choose TextMate. Key The key combination Shift+Apple+MouseClick
will bring you to the corresponding line in text editor.
In TextMate (see [[ConTeXt Bundle for TextMate]]) I have created my own command inside the ConTeXt bundle:
* '''Save''': Nothing