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remove mkii, small fixes
You can use the <code>--synctex</code> switch to enable SyncTeX.
So in MkIV you can run
context --synctex <i>jobname</i>
and in MkII you can use
texexec --synctex <i>jobname</i>
Alternatively you can add one of the following commands to your MkIV document:
context --purge
or next run without <code>--synctex</code> will remove the file again.
Some editors/viewers need a different format, that you can enable by <code>--synctex=repeat</code> resp. <code>\setupsynctex[state=repeat]</code>.
To see what became clickable, use one of
Works quite well, but needs “magic lines” like:
% !TEX TS-program = ConTeXt2021ConTeXt2023
% !TEX useAlternatePath
% !TEX useConTeXtSyncParser
=== Evince, Okular & Kile ===
Okular (the KDE PDF viewer) and Evince (the GNOME one) support SyncTeX. (The the latter since version 2.32.0).
To forward something from a text editor to Okular, do
okular --unique '${pdffile}#src:${linenumber} ${texfile}'
Kile’s (the KDE TeX IDEIDE’s) ForwardPDF function should support SyncTeX, but it doesn’t seem to work with ConTeXt at the time of writing
** no solution yet
=== & TextMate (Mac OS MacOS X) ===
In Skim/Preferences/Sync choose TextMate. The key combination
Hopefully this functionality will become part of the official ConTeXt bundle one day. (The recipe given above is too specific. The code needs to be written to handle more different viewers and different locations, not only a single viewer at a specified location.)
=== Bugs ===
(In 2021-10 I didn’t manage to get ConTeXt-SyncTeX working with Skim and different editors, while it worked with LaTeX-SyncTeX; there’s also no error message. I guess the parser fails on ConTeXt’s synctex files. [[User:Hraban|Hraban]] ([[User talk:Hraban|talk]]))
[[Category:Text Editors]]