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Added a quick start text for Mac users.
< [[XeTeX]] | [[Fonts]] >
Fonts get special treatment in [[XeTeX]]. By supporting a rich, within-TeX means of font specification, one avoids the usual difficulties associated with the TeX font mess: no dealing with map files, encodings, Karl Berry naming schemes, tfms, or virtual fonts. This page describes the various typescripts introduced with <tt>type-xtx</tt>. Common among all these typescripts is the Unicode encoding: <tt>[encoding=uc]</tt> ==Quick start==If You have a Mac and all You want to do is start using some of the fonts installed in Your system, start with the following snippet: <texcode>\definetypeface[Serapion][rm][Xserif][Serapion Pro]\setupbodyfont[Serapion, 12pt]</texcode> In this case the document will be set in 12pt Serapion Pro typeface. If You want to start fiddling with the fonts a bit more, read on about the typescripts.
Common among all these typescripts is the Unicode encoding: <tt>[encoding=uc]</tt>
==Compatibility Typescripts==
