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A few notes on the procedure above:
* It is up to you to choose the location where you unzip the file in step #52, no magic there. Just that you know where the files are.* The actual location of the ConTeXt tree in step #6 tree 2 does not matter. I use <tt>c:\context</tt>, but you might use something else. However, I would not use anything with a space in the name (e.g. <tt>c:\Program Files\context</tt>), as that may confuse things. (Has anybody tried lately?)[Seems to work with an August 2006 stand-alone distribution.]* After you have verified everything works in step #93, you can toss <tt>cdemo.bat</tt> away and use <tt>cstart.bat</tt> to start everything. Make a link to it somewhere so that you can start the system by a shortcut or through the Start menu. ''Do not move the batch script anywhere,'' it has to be run in the root directory of the distribution (e.g. <tt>c:\Programs\context</tt>).* Make sure you have something Acrobatish (any decent PDF viewer) installed, otherwise you won't see the results in step #94.
* A final note: to have it finally running you should build the formats first. To do so there is at least a way:
texexec --make --all
Then, close the cmd, double -click in cdemo.bat
and voila !
