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3,348 bytes added ,  23:20, 10 April 2023
< [[Graphics]], [[Using Graphics]] | [[Tables]] >Combinations are ConTeXt's way to align several pictures (preferrably at same size):
== Combinations are ConTeXt's way to align several pictures (preferrably at same size):==
\startcombination[x*y]%% x=columns, y=rows
{something}{caption} ...
or using the newer interface:
\startcombination [nx=3, ny=2] %% 3 columns, 2 rows
\startcontent something \stopcontent
\startcaption caption \stopcaption
\startcontent something \stopcontent
\startcaption caption \stopcaption
\startcontent something \stopcontent
\startcaption caption \stopcaption
\startcontent something \stopcontent
\startcaption caption \stopcaption
\startcontent something \stopcontent
\startcaption caption \stopcaption
\startcontent something \stopcontent
\startcaption caption \stopcaption
You define, how much figures in columns * rows you'd like to align.
You must provide one "figure something" (e.g. an <{{cmd>|externalfigure</cmd>}}) and a caption for every "cell". The sample, from the manual, shows how to define a caption for the whole group and use it as float (see [[Floating Objects]]): <context source=yes>\useMPlibrary [dum] %% sample images \startplacefigure [title=An example of a combination] \startcombination [nx=3, ny=2] \startcontent \externalfigure [dummy] \stopcontent \startcaption a \stopcaption \startcontent \externalfigure [dummy] \stopcontent \startcaption b \stopcaption \startcontent \externalfigure [dummy] \stopcontent \startcaption c \stopcaption \startcontent \externalfigure [dummy] \stopcontent \startcaption d \stopcaption \startcontent \externalfigure [dummy] \stopcontent \startcaption e \stopcaption \startcontent \externalfigure [dummy] \stopcontent \startcaption f \stopcaption \stopcombination\stopplacefigure</context> === Image Width === The image widths aren’t calculated automatically: <context source="yes">\startcombination[3*1] {\externalfigure[cow]}{cow} {\externalfigure[mill]}{mill} {\externalfigure[hacker]}{hacker}\stopcombination</context> You could define them on your own: <texcode>\startcombination[3*1] {\externalfigure[cow] [width=.3\textwidth]}{cow} {\externalfigure[mill] [width=.3\textwidth]}{mill} {\externalfigure[hacker][width=.3\textwidth]}{hacker}\stopcombination</texcode> But that’s ugly and tedious. Hans did it for you in {{src|grph-inc.mkxl}}: <texcode>\definemeasure[combination][ (\textwidth -\effectiveleftskip -\effectiverightskip -\numexpr\combinationparameter\nx-\plusone\relax\dimexpr\combinationparameter\distance\relax )/\combinationparameter]</texcode> So you can say:
The sample from the manual:
\placefigure[here] % placement[fig:combinations] % reference{An example of combination} % caption for whole group{\startcombination[3*21] % 3 columns, 2 rows {\externalfigure[lb00220cow]} [width=\measure{acombination} {\externalfigure[lb00221]} {bcow} % picture and caption for two figures in first row {\externalfigure[lb00222mill]} [width=\measure{ccombination} {\externalfigure[lb00223]} {dmill} {\externalfigure[lb00225hacker]} [width=\measure{ecombination} {\externalfigure[lb00226]} {fhacker}
} % whole combination in braces of placefigure
shows how But that’s still tedious. With the power of {{cmd|defineexternalfigure}}: <texcode>\defineexternalfigure[combination][width=\measure{combination}]</texcode>(That’s predefined, no need to define copy!) <context source="yes">\startcombination[3*1] {\externalfigure[cow] [combination]}{cow} {\externalfigure[mill] [combination]}{mill} {\externalfigure[hacker][combination]}{hacker}\stopcombination</context> Beautiful. ;) == Floatcombinations == When combination contain floats, the command {{cmd|startfloatcombination}} is used. Here an example using float combinations as well as subfloatnumbering that creates subfigures sharing a caption for the whole group mutual figure prefix and use it as float an individual subfigure designator (see e.g. figure 1a), figure 1b, etc.). <context source=yes>\useMPlibrary [dum] \startplacefigure [location=none] \startfloatcombination [nx=2] \startplacefigure [title=Left, reference=ref:left, group=one, groupsuffix=a] \externalfigure \stopplacefigure \startplacefigure [title=Right, reference=ref:right, group=one, groupsuffix=b] \externalfigure \stopplacefigure \stopfloatcombination\stopplacefigure See \in{image}[Floating Objectsref:right](right) and \in{image}[ref:left](left).</context>
== Setup ==
There is <the {{cmd>|setupcombinations</cmd> }} command. [[Category:Graphics]][[Category:Text elements]]
== Referencing ==
This would produce something like 'figure 2.4d'. The content of the second parameter simply gets appended to the end of the figure's reference-number, thus the example above would still work even if the caption would be 'd) An awesome subfigure'.
== See also ==
[[Floating_Objects#Subfloats]], {{cmd|startfloatcombination}}, {{cmd|startsubfloatnumbering}}
