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< [[Encodings and Regimes]] >
* old introduction [[Uptodate]] by Pragma: [ screen] and [ paper] version
* manual by Pragma: [ Chinese in ConTeXt](Old 2001)
=Chinese in ConTeXt=
== Chinese numbers ==
Added by Xiao Jianfeng
As far as I know, it is wrong to use "零" with "一,二,....,十".
Following is the corresponding relationships between lower case and upper case Chinese numbers and arabic numbers.
Chinese lower:〇,一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九,十,百,千
Chinese upper:零,壹,贰,叁,肆,伍,陆,柒,捌,玖,拾,佰,仟
Arabic :0, 1, 2,3, 4,5, 6, 7,8, 9,10,100,1000
"零" is a upper case Chinese number, so it should not be mixed with other lower case Chinese numbers. Although in China, it is sometimes wrongly used.
The reason why numbers in Chinese has lower case and upper case in Chinese is for accounting safety. Lower case numbers are simple to write and far more often used in daily life, while upper case numbers are almost exclusively used in accouting.
We can see that every upper case Chinese number are very different from the others, hence cannot be easily modified to the other . But the lower case Chinese number or Arabic numbers are sometime easily to be modified. For example, "一", "二" and "三" are similar so one can easily modify a "一" to "二" or "三".And one can also modify "1" to "7" or "11", or one can modify "6" to "8".
In China, numbers must be written in both Chinese upper case and Arabic form together in accounting.
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