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Command/ startnarrower

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\startnarrower ... \stopnarrower


The instances of \startnarrower ... \stopnarrower are used for text with a smaller width than the main text. It can be indented on one or both sides.

Settings example

\startNARROWER[...,...] ... \stopNARROWER
[...,...][+-]left [+-]middle [+-]right number*left number*middle number*right reset reverse

[+-]left increase left-hand margin
[+-]middle increase margin on both sides
[+-]right increase right-hand margin
number*left increase left-hand margin by a multiple of the default value (decrease with negative number)
number*middle increase both margins by a multiple of the default value (decrease with negative number)
number*right increase right-hand margin by a multiple of the default value (decrease with negative number)


Make the margins wider on the left, the right, or (default) both sides. The default value is 5 mm; use \setupnarrower to change it, or use the parameters of \startnarrow. Using \startnarrower[left=2cm] does not work.

By preceding the argument with a negative sign (eg. \startnarrower[-2*left]) the text area can be made wider rather than narrower.


Example 1


The Gibbelins eat, as is well known, nothing less good than man. Their evil
tower is joined to Terra Cognita, to the lands we know, by a bridge.


    Their hoard is beyond reason; avarice has no use
    for it; they have a separate cellar for emeralds and a separate cellar for
    sapphires; they have filled a hole with gold and dig it up when they need it.


\rightaligned{—Lord Dunsany, \quote{The Hoard of the Gibbelins}, \emph{The Book of Wonder}}


See also

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