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s-pre19 bug added
* enco-cyr.tex: x2 has a resetcaserange for 0-127 as well as the upper 8-bit
* core-des.tex: there is a missing \noexpand in \special@@descriptionhandler
* a bug is causing the menu on the right in s-pre-19.tex to contain page numbers at the lower left corners of the buttons
* core-lst.tex: a bug is causing numbers to appear in front of \Topics in s-pre-05
* fonts/map/../context/ should be deleted from the distribution
* \setuphead style vs textstyle/numberstyle setting (from nikolai): It seems that one can't retrieve the textstyle or numberstyle settings from a \setuphead when using \placeheadnumber
* enco-ec.tex: \textmu should be upright, even in the ec encoding