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[...] name
r number red channel (RGB)
g number green channel (RGB)
b number blue channel (RGB)
c number cyan channel (CMYK)
m number magenta channel (CMYK)
y number yellow channel (CMYK)
k number black channel (CMYK)
s number gray value (Grayscale), if v isn't set
h number hue (HSB)
s number saturation (HSB)
v number brightness/value (HSB)
t number transparency factor
a number alternative (transparency method)
p number spotcolor percentage
e text spotcolor name
x text Hexadecimal RGB value (like in HTML), only with hex module


\definecolor associates a name with a color, for later use with the \color command.

To use hexadecimal colors in mkii you need to load the proper module first:


Then the colors can be specified with



See also

Colors, Reference/en/definetransparency