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793 bytes added ,  14:55, 18 July 2012
Add insidesection with example
<td>[[Command/value:dimension|dimension]] </td>
<tr valign="top" class="first">
<td class="cmd">[[Command/keyword:insidesection|insidesection]]</td>
<td>[[Command/value:COMMAND|COMMAND]] </td>
aligntitle=float causes the title to appear next to floats. By default, a title will be moved down to appear below a float, it will not be "wrapped" around a float like normal text. Setting this option causes it to wrap like normal text.
The <code>insidesection</code> command is injected right after the <code>after</code> command of <code>\setuphead</code>. It can be used for example to insert a table of contents local to a chapter. <code>insidesection</code> only works with the <code>\startchapter, \startsection, …</code> variants, not with <code>\chapter, \section, …</code>.
== Example ==
Table of contents local to a chapter: <!-- Please fill in an example if you can --texcode>\setuphead [chapter] [after={\blank[1cm]}, insidesection=\placecontent] \starttext \startchapter [title=Foo] \startsection [title=Zapf] \input zapf \stopsection \startsection [title=Knuth] \input knuth \stopsection\stopchapter \stoptext</texcode>
== See also ==
