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Inside \startMPinclusions one can specify MetaFun code that you would like to be present in your MetaPost instance. It is generally used to define MetaPost functions, or to input files that contain them.


The following example defines a create_wave macro that is then used for the page background.

  vardef create_wave =
    path wave;
    wave := (0, 0); 

    % Number of bezier points along the wave.
    wave_resolution := 20;

    % Number of full wave cycles.
    wave_cycles := 2;

    for x = 0 step (1 / wave_resolution) until 2 wave_cycles:
      wave := wave .. (x, sin( x * pi ));

    % Return the path

  path wave;
  wave := create_wave;
  draw wave xyscaled( 60, 20 ) withpen pencircle scaled 1mm;


  \input knuth
  \input zapf
  \input knuth

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