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{...} xmldata, usually main
{...} pattern that matches tags that stand for 'include external file'. Default: include
{...} names of attribute containing URL of file to include, separated by pipes. Default: href


\xmlinclude{main}{include}{filename|href|name} merges XML trees in external files into the tree called main. External files are merged in at every include tag; which file to merge in is determined by looking at the filename attribute; if that is absent the href and name attributes are tried in order.

Further behaviour:

  • If no attribute is specified, href is assumed.
  • If the file is empty or not found, the inclusion tag is replaced with nothing.
  • Inclusion is recursive: if there are inclusion tags in the external tree you pull in, then they, in turn are acted on, too. If you do not want recursive inclusion, you must use the xml.include)) command directly, like so:
\ctxlxml{include("main","include","filename|href",false)} % false means no recursion


  <chapter>text 1</chapter>
  <chapter>text 2</chapter>

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