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Ubuch style

Revision as of 00:31, 5 August 2004 by Brooks (talk | contribs) (Changed the new link to proper media: style.)

< Sample documents

This is the complete main file of a book about german unitarian religious community ("Was glauben sie eigentlich?"). It was my first book project, so it's rather oldfashioned, feel free to enhance it. Today I'd split it into project and environment file. We should delete this page as soon as we got better examples. --Hraban 23:03, 3 Aug 2004 (CEST)

There is a downloadable version here.

%interface=en tex=pdfetex output=pdf language=de
% Hauptdatei des "Unitarierbuchs" -- Was glauben sie eigentlich?
\language				[deo]		% deutsch alt (sonst de)	/ non-reformed german
\version				[final]	% final, concept, temporary
\definepapersize		[UBuch]	[width=14cm,height=21cm]
\setuppapersize		[UBuch]	[A4] % the printshop wanted to impose it themselves
\setuppagenumbering	[alternative=doublesided,	
\setuplayout			[width=11cm,height=16.5cm,
					grid=yes, marking=on, location=left] 
\setupheadertexts		[][chapter][part][] 

% line below header / Linie unter Kolumnentitel 
\setupbackgrounds		[header][text][frame=off,bottomframe=on] 

\setupbodyfont			[ber,ppl,10pt]		% ppl=Palatino
\setupbodyfontenvironment	[default][em=italic]	% kursiv statt schräg

\setupindenting 	[medium] 	% 1em? Einzug bei neuem Absatz

% Fußnotenzeichen = Sternchen usw.
% use asterisks, daggers etc. as footnote markers
\setupfootnotes		[conversion=set 3, way=bypage]

\setupinteraction	[state=start] % automatische Links usw.

%%% Formatierung der hierarchischen Titel
%% Hintergrundbild für Part
% part title page with background picture

  {\tfd\it #1: #2}



\setupheads	[align=right,tolerance=verytolerant,
\setuphead	[part]
\setuphead	[chapter]
			[style=\tfc\it, number=no, page=yes, align=right]
\setuphead	[title]
			[style=\tfc, page=yes, placehead=yes, align=right]
\setuphead	[subject]
			[style=\tfb\it, align=right]
\setuphead	[subsubject]
			[style=\tfa\it, align=right]

% Definition des Inhaltsverzeichnis'
% ToC definition
\definelist		[part]
\setuplist		[part]
			[before=\blank, style=\it, partnumber=no]
\definelist		[chapter]
\setuplist		[chapter]
			[level=chapter, placehead=yes, criterium=all,
			style=\tfc\it, alternative=b]

% Titel-Bestandteile, die nicht ins Inhaltsverzeichnis oder in die Kopfzeile sollen
% contents of titles that must not appear in ToC or header
\def\nllf{\nurlang{\crlf}} % new line only in text / Zeilenvorschub nur im Text

\setupfloats	[width=11cm]
\setupcaptions	[number=no,align=right]
\setuptables	[width=11cm,bodyfont=small,before=\nohyphen]
\setupregister	[index]

%%% environments for remarks, poems and author info
\definestartstop	[anmerkung]
				[style=small, before={\vfill\startlinecorrection\vbox\bgroup\noindent}, after={\egroup\stoplinecorrection}]
\definestartstop	[verse]
				[before={\blank\setuplines[indenting=always]\startalignment[right]\startlines}, after={\stoplines\stopalignment\blank}]
\definestartstop	[autor]
\def\Autor#1#2{\startautor #1\index{#2}\stopautor}

% use graphics as text symbols

\clubpenalty=10000 % keine Schusterjungen
\widowpenalty=10000 % keine Hurenkinder
\tolerance=1750 % Zeilenumbruch-Toleranz (ca. 500--3000)
\emergencystretch=12 pt % zusätzlich veränderbarer Raum pro Zeile

\startfrontmatter % Vorspann
\input kap0-1-titelei

% Hauptteil (wird nummeriert) / main part (gets numbered)

\input kap0-2-vorwort

\StartPart{Warum glauben wir?}
Ein neuer Religionsbegriff
\input kap1-1-religionsbegriff

\StartPart{Was glauben wir?}
Unitarische Gedanken -- \crlf Gedanken von Unitariern
\input kap2-1-grundgedanken
\input kap2-2-kommentar
\input kap2-3-praeambel
\input kap2-4-religion
\input kap2-5-glauben
\input kap2-6-leben
\input kap2-7-menschen
\input kap2-8-zusammenleben

\StartPart{Wer sind wir?}
Die Religionsgemeinschaft \crlf der Deutschen Unitarier
\input kap3-1-demokratie
\input kap3-3-symbol
\input kap3-4-feiern
\input kap3-5-lebensfeiern

\StartPart{Woher kommen wir?}
Unitarische Geistesgeschichte \crlf seit 500 Jahren
\input kap4-3-pantheismus
\input kap4-3a-zeittafel
\input kap4-5-freiheit
\input kap4-5a-zeittafel
\input kap4-6-geschichte
\input kap4-6a-zeittafel

\StartPart{Wohin gehen wir?}
Religion in der Zukunft
\input kap5-1-zukunft

\input anh1-organisation
\input anh2-vereine
\input anh3-ut-themen
\input anh4-eppelsheim
\input anh5-leitged1957
\input anh6-grundged1977
\input anh7-making

