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  =The data­base= The bibTEX for­mat is rather pop­u­lar in the TEX com­mu­nity and even with its short­com­ings it will stay around for a while. Many pub­li­ca­tion web­sites can ex­port and many tools are avail­able to work with this data­base for­mat. It is rather sim­ple and looks a bit like Lua ta­bles. Un­for­tu­nately the con­tent can be pol­luted with non-stan­dard­ized TEX com­mands which com­pli­cates pre- or post­pro­cess­ing out­side TEX. In that sense a bibTEX data­base is of­ten not coded neu­trally. Some lim­i­ta­tions, like the use of com­mands to en­code ac­cented char­ac­ters root in the ascii world and can be by­passed by us­ing utf in­stead (as han­dled some­what in LATEX through ex­ten­sions such as <tt>bibtex8</tt>).<br/>The nor­mal way to deal with a bib­li­og­ra­phy is to re­fer to en­tries us­ing a unique tag or key. When a list of en­tries is type­set, this ref­er­ence can be used for link­ing pur­poses. The type­set list can be processed and sorted us­ing the <tt>bibtex</tt> pro­gram that con­verts the data­base into some­thing more TEX friendly (a <tt>.bbl</tt> file). I never used the pro­gram my­self (nor bib­li­ogra­phies) so I will not go into too much de­tail here, if only be­cause all I say can be wrong.<br/>In ConTEXt we no longer use the <tt>bibtex</tt> pro­gram: we just use data­base files and deal with the nec­es­sary ma­nip­u­la­tions di­rectly in ConTEXt. One or more such data­bases can be used and com­bined with ad­di­tional en­tries de­fined within the doc­u­ment. We can have sev­eral such datasets ac­tive at the same time.<br/>A bibTEX file looks like this: <pre detail='typing'>@Article{sometag,author = "An Author and Another One",title = "A hopefully meaningful title",journal = maps,volume = "25",number = "2",pages = "5--9",month = mar,year = "2013",ISSN = "1234-5678",}</pre><br/>Nor­mally a value is given be­tween quotes (or curly brack­ets) but sin­gle words are also OK (there is no real ben­e­fit in not us­ing quotes, so we ad­vise to al­ways use them). There can be many more fields and in­stead of strings one can use pre­de­fined short­cuts. The ti­tle for ex­am­ple quite of­ten con­tains TEX macros. Some fields, like <tt>pages</tt> have funny char­ac­ters such as the en­dash (typ­i­cally as <tt>--</tt>) so we have a mix­ture of data and type­set­ting di­rec­tives. If you are cov­er­ing non--eng­lish ref­er­ences, you of­ten need char­ac­ters that are not in the ascii sub­set but ConTEXt is quite happy with utf. If your data­base file uses old-fash­ioned TEX ac­cent com­mands then these will be in­ter­nally con­verted au­to­mat­i­cally to utf. Com­mands (macros) are con­verted to an in­di­rect call, which is quite ro­bust.<br/>The bibTEX files are loaded in mem­ory as Lua ta­ble but can be con­verted to xml so that we can ac­cess them in a more flex­i­ble way, but that is a sub­ject for spe­cial­ists.<br/>In the old MkII setup we have two kinds of en­tries: the ones that come from the bibTEX run and user sup­plied ones. We no longer rely on bibTEX out­put but we do still sup­port the user sup­plied de­f­i­n­i­tions. These were in fact pre­pared in a way that suits the pro­cess­ing of bibTEX gen­er­ated en­tries. The next vari­ant re­flects the ConTEXt re­cod­ing of the old bibTEX out­put. <pre detail='typing'>\startpublication[k=Hagen:Second,t=article,a={Hans Hagen},y=2013,s=HH01]\artauthor[]{Hans}[H.]{}{Hagen}\arttitle{Who knows more?}\journal{MyJournal}\pubyear{2013}\month{8}\volume{1}\issue{3}\issn{1234-5678}\pages{123--126}\stoppublication</pre><br/>The split <tt>\artauthor</tt> fields are col­lapsed into a sin­gle <tt>author</tt> field as we deal with the split­ting later when it gets parsed in Lua. The <tt>\artauthor</tt> syn­tax is only kept around for back­ward com­pat­i­bil­ity with the pre­vi­ous use of bibTEX.<br/>In the new setup we sup­port these vari­ants as well: <pre detail='typing'>\startpublication[k=Hagen:Third,t=article]\author{Hans Hagen}\title{Who knows who?}...\stoppublication</pre><br/>and <pre detail='typing'>\startpublication[tag=Hagen:Third,category=article]\author{Hans Hagen}\title{Who knows who?}...\stoppublication</pre><br/>and <pre detail='typing'>\startpublication\tag{Hagen:Third}\category{article}\author{Hans Hagen}\title{Who knows who?}...\stoppublication</pre><br/>Be­cause in­ter­nally the en­tries are Lua ta­bles, we also sup­port load­ing of Lua based de­f­i­n­i­tions:<pre detail='typing'>return {["Hagen:First"] = {author = "Hans Hagen",category = "article",issn = "1234-5678",issue = "3",journal = "MyJournal",month = "8",pages = "123--126",tag = "Hagen:First",title = "Who knows nothing?",volume = "1",year = "2013",},}</pre><br/>Files set up like this can be loaded too. The fol­low­ing xml in­put is rather close to this, and is also ac­cepted as in­put. <pre detail='typing'><?xml version="2.0" standalone="yes" ?><bibtex><entry tag="Hagen:First" category="article"><field name="author">Hans Hagen</field><field name="category">article</field><field name="issn">1234-5678</field><field name="issue">3</field><field name="journal">MyJournal</field><field name="month">8</field><field name="pages">123--126</field><field name="tag">Hagen:First</field><field name="title">Who knows nothing?</field><field name="volume">1</field><field name="year">2013</field></entry></bibtex></pre><br/>Todo: Add some re­marks about load­ing End­Note and RIS for­mats, but first we need to com­plete the tag map­ping (on Alan’s plate).<br/>So the user has a rather wide choice of for­mat­ting style for bib­li­og­ra­phy data­base files. You can load more data than you ac­tu­ally need. Only en­tries that are re­ferred to ex­plic­itly through the <tt>\cite</tt> and <tt>\nocite</tt> com­mands will be shown in lists. We will cover these de­tails later. =Com­mands in en­tries= One un­for­tu­nate as­pect com­monly found in bibTEX files is that they of­ten con­tain TEX com­mands. Even worse is that there is no stan­dard on what these com­mands can be and what they mean, at least not for­mally, as bibTEX is a pro­gram in­tended to be used with many vari­ants of TEX style: plain, LATEX, and oth­ers. This means that we need to de­fine our use of these type­set­ting com­mands. How­ever, in most cases, they are just ab­bre­vi­a­tions or font switches and these are of­ten known. There­fore, ConTEXt will try to re­solve them be­fore re­port­ing an is­sue. In the log file there is a list of com­mands that has been seen in the loaded data­bases. For in­stance, load­ing <tt>tugboat.bib</tt> gives a long list of com­mands of which we show a small set here: <pre detail='typing'>publications > start used btx commandspublications > standard CONTEXT 1 knownpublications > standard ConTeXt 4 knownpublications > standard TeXLive 3 KNOWNpublications > standard eTeX 1 knownpublications > standard hbox 6 knownpublications > standard sltt 1 unknownpublications > stop used btxcommands</pre><br/>You can de­fine un­known com­mands, or over­load ex­ist­ing de­f­i­n­i­tions in the fol­low­ing way: <pre detail='typing'>\definebtxcommand\TUB {TUGboat}\definebtxcommand\sltt{\tt}\definebtxcommand\<#1>{\type{#1}}</pre><br/>Un­known com­mands do not stall pro­cess­ing, but their names are then type­set in a mono- spaced font so they prob­a­bly stand out for proof­read­ing. You can ac­cess the com­mands with <tt>\btxcommand{...}</tt>, as in: <pre detail='buffer'>commands like \btxcommand{MySpecialCommand} are handled in an indirect way</pre><br/>As this is an un­de­fined com­mand we get: “com­mands like MySpe­cial­Com­mand are han­dled in an in­di­rect way”.<br/>?? =Datasets= Nor­mally in a doc­u­ment you will use only one bib­li­o­graphic data­base, whether or not dis­trib­uted over mul­ti­ple files. Nev­er­the­less we sup­port mul­ti­ple data­bases as well which is why we talk of datasets in­stead. A dataset is loaded with the <tt>\usebtxdataset</tt> com­mand. Al­though cur­rently it is not nec­es­sary to de­fine a (de­fault) dataset you can best do this be­cause in the fu­ture we might pro­vide more op­tions. Here are some ex­am­ples: <pre detail='typing'>\definebtxdataset[standard]\usebtxdataset[standard][tugboat.bib]\usebtxdataset[standard][mtx-bibtex-output.xml]\usebtxdataset[standard][test-001-btx-standard.lua]</pre><br/>These three suf­fixes are un­der­stood by the loader. Here the dataset has the name <tt>standard</tt> and the three data­base files are merged, where later en­tries hav­ing the same tag over­load pre­vi­ous ones. De­f­i­n­i­tions in the doc­u­ment source (coded in TEX speak) are also added, and they are saved for suc­ces­sive runs. This means that if you load and de­fine en­tries, they will be known at a next run be­fore­hand, so that ref­er­ences to them are in­de­pen­dent of when load­ing and de­f­i­n­i­tions take place. In this doc­u­ment we use some ex­am­ple data­bases, so let’s load one of them now: <pre detail='buffer'>\definebtxdataset[example]</pre> \usebtxdataset[example][mkiv-publications.bib] <br/>You can ask for an overview of en­tries in a dataset with: <pre detail='buffer'>\showbtxdatasetfields[example]</pre>this gives: {| |+  | tag| | cat­e­gory| | fields| |+  | demo-001| | book| | au­thor in­dex ti­tle year| |+  | demo-002| | book| | cross­ref in­dex year| |+  | demo-003| | book| | au­thor com­ment in­dex ti­tle year| |+  | demo-004| | book| | au­thor com­ment in­dex ti­tle year| |+  | demo-005| | book| | au­thor doi in­dex pages se­r­ial ti­tle url year| |} <br/>You can set the cur­rent ac­tive dataset with <pre detail='typing'>\setbtxdataset[standard]</pre><br/>but most pub­li­ca­tion-re­lated com­mands ac­cept op­tional ar­gu­ments that de­note the dataset and ref­er­ences to en­tries can be pre­fixed with a dataset iden­ti­fier.. More about that later. =Ren­der­ings= A list of pub­li­ca­tions can be ren­dered at any place in the doc­u­ment. A data­base can be much larger than needed for a doc­u­ment. The same is true for the fields that make up an en­try. Here is the list of fields that are cur­rently han­dled, but of course there can be ad­di­tional ones:<br/><tt>abstract</tt>, <tt>address</tt>, <tt>annotate</tt>, <tt>assignee</tt>, <tt>author</tt>, <tt>bibnumber</tt>, <tt>booktitle</tt>, <tt>chapter</tt>, <tt>comment</tt>, <tt>country</tt>, <tt>day</tt>, <tt>dayfiled</tt>, <tt>doi</tt>, <tt>edition</tt>, <tt>editor</tt>, <tt>eprint</tt>, <tt>howpublished</tt>, <tt>institution</tt>, <tt>isbn</tt>, <tt>issn</tt>, <tt>journal</tt>, <tt>key</tt>, <tt>keyword</tt>, <tt>keywords</tt>, <tt>language</tt>, <tt>lastchecked</tt>, <tt>month</tt>, <tt>monthfiled</tt>, <tt>names</tt>, <tt>nationality</tt>, <tt>note</tt>, <tt>notes</tt>, <tt>number</tt>, <tt>organization</tt>, <tt>pages</tt>, <tt>publisher</tt>, <tt>revision</tt>, <tt>school</tt>, <tt>series</tt>, <tt>size</tt>, <tt>title</tt>, <tt>type</tt>, <tt>url</tt>, <tt>volume</tt>, <tt>year</tt>, <tt>yearfiled</tt><br/>If you want to see what pub­li­ca­tions are in the data­base, the eas­i­est way is to ask for a com­plete list: <pre detail='buffer'>\definebtxrendering[example][dataset=example,method=local,alternative=apa]\placelistofpublications % \placebtxrendering[example][criterium=all]</pre><br/>This gives:1 Hans Ha­gen and Ton Ot­ten (1996). Type­set­ting ed­u­ca­tion doc­u­ments2 Luigi Scarso (2021). De­sign­ing high speed trains3 au­thor (year). ti­tle pages p.<br/>The ren­der­ing it­self is some­what com­plex to set up be­cause we have not only many dif­fer­ent stan­dards but also many fields that can be set up. This means that there are sev­eral com­mands in­volved. Of­ten there is a pre­scribed style to ren­der bib­li­o­graphic de­scrip­tions, for ex­am­ple <tt>apa</tt>. A ren­der­ing is setup and de­fined with: And a list of such de­scrip­tions is gen­er­ated with: A dataset can have all kind of en­tries:<br/><tt>article</tt>, <tt>book</tt>, <tt>booklet</tt>, <tt>conference</tt>, <tt>inbook</tt>, <tt>incollection</tt>, <tt>inproceedings</tt>, <tt>manual</tt>, <tt>mastersthesis</tt>, <tt>misc</tt>, <tt>phdthesis</tt>, <tt>proceedings</tt>, <tt>techreport</tt>, <tt>unpublished</tt><br/>Each has its own ren­der­ing vari­ant. To keep things sim­ple we have their set­tings sep­a­rated. How­ever, these set­tings are shared for all ren­der­ing al­ter­na­tives. In prac­tice this is sel­dom a prob­lem in a pub­li­ca­tion as only one ren­der­ing al­ter­na­tive will be ac­tive. If this be not suf­fi­cient, you can al­ways group lo­cal set­tings in a setup and hook that into the spe­cific ren­der­ing. Ex­am­ples of list vari­ants are:<br/><tt>setupbtxlistvariant : artauthor</tt> {| |+  | <tt>no specific settings</tt>| |  | |} <br/><tt>setupbtxlistvariant : author</tt> {| |+  | <tt>no specific settings</tt>| |  | |} <br/><tt>setupbtxlistvariant : editor</tt> {| |+  | <tt>no specific settings</tt>| |  | |} <br/>The ex­act ren­der­ing of list en­tries is de­ter­mined by the <tt>alternative</tt> key and de­faults to <tt>apa</tt> which uses de­f­i­n­i­tions from <tt>publ-imp-apa.mkiv</tt>. If you look at that file you will see that each cat­e­gory has its own setup. You may also no­tice that ad­di­tional tests are needed to make sure that empty fields don’t trig­ger sep­a­ra­tors and such.<br/>There are a cou­ple of ac­ces­sors and helpers to get the job done. When you want to fetch a field from the cur­rent en­try you use <tt>\btxfield</tt>. In most cases you want to make sure this field has a value, for in­stance be­cause you don’t want fences or punc­tu­a­tion that be­longs to a field. <pre detail='typing'>\btxdoif {title} {\bold{\btxfield{title}},}</pre><br/>There are three test macros: <pre detail='typing'>\btxdoifelse{fieldname}{action when found}{action when not found}\btxdoif {fieldname}{action when found}\btxdoifnot {fieldname} {action when not found}</pre><br/>An ex­tra con­di­tional is avail­able for test­ing in­ter­ac­tiv­ity: <pre detail='typing'>\btxdoifelseinteraction{action when true}{action when false}</pre><br/>In ad­di­tion there is also a con­di­tional <tt>\btxinteractive</tt> which is more ef­fi­cient, al­though in prac­tice ef­fi­ciency is not so im­por­tant here.<br/>There are three com­mands to flush data: {| |+  | <tt>\btxfield</tt>| | fetch a ex­plicit field (e.g. <tt>year</tt>)| |+  | <tt>\btxdetail</tt>| | fetch a de­rived field (e.g. <tt>short</tt>)| |+  | <tt>\btxflush</tt>| | fetch a de­rived or ex­plicit field| |} <br/>Nor­mally you can use <tt>\btxfield</tt> or <tt>\btxflush</tt> as de­rived fields just like an­a­lyzed au­thor fields are flushed in a spe­cial way.<br/>You can im­prove read­abil­ity by us­ing se­tups, for in­stance: <pre detail='typing'>\btxdoifelse {author} {\btxsetup{btx:apa:author:yes}} {\btxsetup{btx:apa:author:nop}}</pre><br/>Keep in mind that nor­mally you don’t need to mess with de­f­i­n­i­tions like this be­cause stan­dard ren­der­ing styles are pro­vided. These styles use a few helpers that in­ject sym­bols but also take care of lead­ing and trail­ing spaces: {| |+  | <tt>\btxspace</tt>| | be­fore af­ter| |+  | <tt>\btxperiod</tt>| | be­fore. af­ter| |+  | <tt>\btxcomma</tt>| | be­fore, af­ter| |+  | <tt>\btxlparent</tt>| | be­fore (af­ter| |+  | <tt>\btxrparent</tt>| | be­fore) af­ter| |+  | <tt>\btxlbracket</tt>| | be­fore [af­ter| |+  | <tt>\btxrbracket</tt>| | be­fore] af­ter| |} <br/>So, the pre­vi­ous ex­am­ple setup can be rewrit­ten as: <pre detail='typing'>\btxdoif {title} {\bold{\btxfield{title}}\btxcomma}</pre><br/>There is a spe­cial com­mand for ren­der­ing a (com­bi­na­tion) of au­thors: <pre detail='typing'>\btxflushauthor{author}\btxflushauthor{editor}\btxflushauthor[inverted]{editor}</pre><br/>In­stead of the last one you can also use: <pre detail='typing'>\btxflushauthorinverted{editor}</pre><br/>You can use a (con­fig­urable) de­fault or pass di­rec­tives: Valid di­rec­tives are {| |+  | con­ver­sion| | ren­der­ing| |+  | <tt>inverted</tt>| | the Frog jr, Ker­mit| |+  | <tt>invertedshort</tt>| | the Frog jr, K| |+  | <tt>normal</tt>| | Ker­mit, the Frog, jr| |+  | <tt>normalshort</tt>| | K, the Frog, jr| |}  =Ci­ta­tions= Ci­ta­tions are ref­er­ences to bib­li­o­graphic en­tries that nor­mally show up in lists some­place in the doc­u­ment: at the end of a chap­ter, in an ap­pen­dix, at the end of an ar­ti­cle, etc. We dis­cussed the ren­der­ing of these lists in the pre­vi­ous chap­ter. A ci­ta­tion is nor­mally pretty short as its main pur­pose is to re­fer uniquely to a more de­tailed de­scrip­tion. But, there are sev­eral ways to re­fer, which is why the ci­ta­tion sub­sys­tem is con­fig­urable and ex­ten­si­ble. Just look at the fol­low­ing com­mands: <pre detail='buffer'>\cite[author][example::demo-003]\cite[authoryear][example::demo-003]\cite[authoryears][example::demo-003]\cite[author][example::demo-003,demo-004]\cite[authoryear][example::demo-003,demo-004]\cite[authoryears][example::demo-003,demo-004]\cite[author][example::demo-004,demo-003]\cite[authoryear][example::demo-004,demo-003]\cite[authoryears][example::demo-004,demo-003]</pre> (Hans Ha­gen and Ton Ot­ten)(Hans Ha­gen and Ton Ot­ten (1996))(Hans Ha­gen and Ton Ot­ten, 1996)(Hans Ha­gen and Ton Ot­ten, Luigi Scarso)(Hans Ha­gen and Ton Ot­ten (1996), Luigi Scarso (2021))(Hans Ha­gen and Ton Ot­ten, 1996, Luigi Scarso, 2021)(Luigi Scarso, Hans Ha­gen and Ton Ot­ten)(Luigi Scarso (2021), Hans Ha­gen and Ton Ot­ten (1996))(Luigi Scarso, 2021, Hans Ha­gen and Ton Ot­ten, 1996)<br/>The first ar­gu­ment is op­tional. You can tune the way a ci­ta­tion shows up: <pre detail='buffer'>\setupbtxcitevariant[author] [sorttype=author,color=darkyellow]\setupbtxcitevariant[authoryear] [sorttype=author,color=darkyellow]\setupbtxcitevariant[authoryears][sorttype=author,color=darkyellow]</pre> \cite[author][example::demo-004,demo-003]\cite[authoryear][example::demo-004,demo-003]\cite[authoryears][example::demo-004,demo-003] <br/>Here we sort the au­thors and color the ci­ta­tion: (Hans Ha­gen and Ton Ot­ten, Luigi Scarso)(Hans Ha­gen and Ton Ot­ten (1996), Luigi Scarso (2021))(Hans Ha­gen and Ton Ot­ten, 1996, Luigi Scarso, 2021)<br/>For rea­sons of back­ward com­pat­i­bil­ity the <tt>\cite</tt> com­mand is a bit picky about spaces be­tween the two ar­gu­ments, of which the first is op­tional. <pre detail='typing'>\citation[author] [example::demo-004,demo-003]\citation[authoryear] [example::demo-004,demo-003]\citation[authoryears][example::demo-004,demo-003]</pre><br/>There is a whole bunch of cite op­tions and more can be eas­ily de­fined. {| |+  | key| | ren­der­ing| |+  | <tt>author</tt>| | (au­thor)| |+  | <tt>authornum</tt>| | [au­thor [btx er­ror 1]]| |+  | <tt>authoryear</tt>| | (au­thor (year))| |+  | <tt>authoryears</tt>| | (au­thor, year)| |+  | <tt>doi</tt>| | [todo: doi]| |+  | <tt>key</tt>| | [demo-005]| |+  | <tt>none</tt>| |  | |+  | <tt>num</tt>| | [[btx er­ror 1]]| |+  | <tt>page</tt>| | pages| |+  | <tt>serial</tt>| | [5]| |+  | <tt>short</tt>| | [aut00]| |+  | <tt>type</tt>| | [book]| |+  | <tt>url</tt>| | [todo: url]| |+  | <tt>year</tt>| | (year)| |} <br/>Be­cause we are deal­ing with data­base in­put and be­cause we gen­er­ally need to ma­nip­u­late en­tries, much of the work is del­e­gated to Lua. This makes it eas­ier to main­tain and ex­tend the code. Of course TEX still does the ren­der­ing. The ty­po­graphic de­tails are con­trolled by pa­ra­me­ters but not all are used in all vari­ants. As with most ConTEXt com­mands, it starts out with a gen­eral setup com­mand: On top of that we can de­fine in­stances that in­herit ei­ther from a given par­ent or from the top­most setup. But, spe­cific vari­ants can have them over­loaded: <br/><tt>setupbtxcitevariant : author</tt> {| |+  | <tt>right</tt>| | <tt>)</tt>| |+  | <tt>middle</tt>| | <tt>, </tt>| |+  | <tt>left</tt>| | <tt>(</tt>| |} <br/><tt>setupbtxcitevariant : authornum</tt> {| |+  | <tt>right</tt>| | <tt>]</tt>| |+  | <tt>middle</tt>| | <tt>, </tt>| |+  | <tt>left</tt>| | <tt>[</tt>| |} <br/><tt>setupbtxcitevariant : authoryear</tt> {| |+  | <tt>compress</tt>| | <tt>yes</tt>| |+  | <tt>inbetween</tt>| | <tt>, </tt>| |+  | <tt>right</tt>| | <tt>)</tt>| |+  | <tt>middle</tt>| | <tt>, </tt>| |+  | <tt>left</tt>| | <tt>(</tt>| |} <br/><tt>setupbtxcitevariant : authoryears</tt> {| |+  | <tt>compress</tt>| | <tt>yes</tt>| |+  | <tt>inbetween</tt>| | <tt>, </tt>| |+  | <tt>right</tt>| | <tt>)</tt>| |+  | <tt>middle</tt>| | <tt>, </tt>| |+  | <tt>left</tt>| | <tt>(</tt>| |} <br/><tt>setupbtxcitevariant : doi</tt> {| |+  | <tt>right</tt>| | <tt>]</tt>| |+  | <tt>left</tt>| | <tt>[</tt>| |} <br/><tt>setupbtxcitevariant : key</tt> {| |+  | <tt>right</tt>| | <tt>]</tt>| |+  | <tt>left</tt>| | <tt>[</tt>| |} <br/><tt>setupbtxcitevariant : none</tt> {| |+  | <tt>no specific settings</tt>| |  | |} <tt>setupbtxcitevariant : num</tt> {| |+  | <tt>compress</tt>| | <tt>yes</tt>| |+  | <tt>inbetween</tt>| | <tt>--</tt>| |+  | <tt>right</tt>| | <tt>]</tt>| |+  | <tt>left</tt>| | <tt>[</tt>| |} <br/><tt>setupbtxcitevariant : page</tt> {| |+  | <tt>inbetween</tt>| | <tt>–</tt>| |} <br/><tt>setupbtxcitevariant : serial</tt> {| |+  | <tt>right</tt>| | <tt>]</tt>| |+  | <tt>left</tt>| | <tt>[</tt>| |} <br/><tt>setupbtxcitevariant : short</tt> {| |+  | <tt>right</tt>| | <tt>]</tt>| |+  | <tt>left</tt>| | <tt>[</tt>| |} <br/><tt>setupbtxcitevariant : type</tt> {| |+  | <tt>right</tt>| | <tt>]</tt>| |+  | <tt>left</tt>| | <tt>[</tt>| |} <br/><tt>setupbtxcitevariant : url</tt> {| |+  | <tt>right</tt>| | <tt>]</tt>| |+  | <tt>left</tt>| | <tt>[</tt>| |} <br/><tt>setupbtxcitevariant : year</tt> {| |+  | <tt>right</tt>| | <tt>)</tt>| |+  | <tt>left</tt>| | <tt>(</tt>| |} <br/>A ci­ta­tion vari­ant is de­fined in sev­eral steps and if you re­ally want to know the dirty de­tails, you should look into the <tt>publ-imp-*.mkiv</tt> files. Here we stick to the con­cept. <pre detail='typing'>\startsetups btx:cite:author\btxcitevariant{author}\stopsetups</pre><br/>You can over­load such se­tups if needed, but that only makes sense when you can­not con­fig­ure the ren­der­ing with pa­ra­me­ters. The <tt>\btxcitevariant</tt> com­mand is one of the build in ac­ces­sors and it calls out to Lua where more com­plex ma­nip­u­la­tion takes place if needed. If no ma­nip­u­la­tion is known, the field with the same name (if found) will be flushed. A com­mand like <tt>\btxcitevariant</tt> as­sumes that a dataset and spe­cific tag has been set. This is nor­mally done in the wrap­per macros, like <tt>\cite</tt>. For spe­cial pur­poses you can use these com­mands<pre detail='typing'>\setbtxdataset[example]\setbtxentry[hh2013]</pre><br/>But don’t ex­pect too much sup­port for such low level ren­der­ing con­trol.<br/>Un­less you use <tt>criterium=all</tt> only pub­li­ca­tions that are cited will end up in the lists. You can force a ci­ta­tion into a list us­ing <tt>\usecitation</tt>, for ex­am­ple: <pre detail='typing'>\usecitation[example::demo-004,demo-003]</pre><br/>This com­mand has two syn­onyms: <tt>\nocite</tt> and <tt>\nocitation</tt> so you can choose what­ever fits you best. =The LUA view= Be­cause we man­age data at the Lua end it is tempt­ing to ac­cess it there for other pur­poses. This is fine as long as you keep in mind that as­pects of the im­ple­men­ta­tion may change over time, al­though this is un­likely once the mod­ules be­come sta­ble.<br/>The en­tries are col­lected in datasets and each set has a unique name. In this doc­u­ment we have the set named <tt>example</tt>. A dataset ta­ble has sev­eral fields, and prob­a­bly the one of most in­ter­est is the <tt>luadata</tt> field. Each en­try in this ta­ble de­scribes a pub­li­ca­tion: <pre detail='typing'>t={["author"]="Hans Hagen",["category"]="book",["index"]=1,["tag"]="demo-001",["title"]="\\btxcmd{BIBTEX}, the \\btxcmd{CONTEXT}\\ way",["year"]="2013",}</pre>This is <tt>publications.datasets.example.luadata["demo-001"]</tt>. There can be a com­pan­ion en­try in the par­al­lel <tt>details</tt> ta­ble. <pre detail='typing'>t={["author"]={{["firstnames"]={ "Hans" },["initials"]={ "H" },["original"]="Hans Hagen",["surnames"]={ "Hagen" },["vons"]={},},},["short"]="Hag13",}</pre>These de­tails are ac­cessed as <tt>publications.datasets.example.details["demo-001"]</tt> and by us­ing a sep­a­rate ta­ble we can over­load fields in the orig­i­nal en­try with­out los­ing the orig­i­nal.<br/>You can loop over the en­tries us­ing reg­u­lar Lua code com­bined with MkIV helpers: <pre detail='buffer'>local dataset = publications.datasets.example</pre> context.starttabulate { "|l|l|l|" }for tag, entry in table.sortedhash(dataset.luadata) dolocal detail = dataset.details[tag] or { }context.NC() context.type(tag)context.NC() context(detail.short)context.NC() context(entry.title)context.NC() context.NR()endcontext.stoptabulate() <br/>This re­sults in: {| |+  | <tt>demo-001</tt>| | Hag13| | bibTEX, the ConTEXt way| |+  | <tt>demo-002</tt>| | Hag14| | bibTEX, the ConTEXt way| |+  | <tt>demo-003</tt>| | HO96| | Type­set­ting ed­u­ca­tion doc­u­ments| |+  | <tt>demo-004</tt>| | Sca21| | De­sign­ing high speed trains| |+  | <tt>demo-005</tt>| | aut00| | ti­tle| |}  =The XML view= The <tt>luadata</tt> ta­ble can be con­verted into an xml rep­re­sen­ta­tion. This is a fol­low up on ear­lier ex­per­i­ments with an xml-only ap­proach. I de­cided in the end to stick to a Lua ap­proach and pro­vide some sim­ple xml sup­port in ad­di­tion.<br/>Once a dataset is ac­ces­si­ble as xml tree, you can use the reg­u­lar <tt>\xml...</tt> com­mands. We start with load­ing a dataset, in this case from just one file. <pre detail='buffer'>\usebtxdataset[tugboat][tugboat.bib]</pre><br/>The dataset has to be con­verted to xml: <pre detail='buffer'>\convertbtxdatasettoxml[tugboat]</pre><br/>The tree is now ac­ces­si­ble by its root ref­er­ence <tt>btx:tugboat</tt>. If we want sim­ple field ac­cess we can use a few se­tups: <pre detail='buffer'>\startxmlsetups btx:initialize\xmlsetsetup{#1}{bibtex|entry|field}{btx:*}\xmlmain{#1}\stopxmlsetups</pre> \startxmlsetups btx:field\xmlflushcontext{#1}\stopxmlsetups  \xmlsetup{btx:tugboat}{btx:initialize} <br/>The two se­tups are pre­de­fined in the core al­ready, but you might want to change them. They are ap­plied in for in­stance: <pre detail='buffer'>\starttabulate[|||]\NC \type {tag} \NC \xmlfirst {btx:tugboat}{/bibtex/entry[string.find(@tag,'Hagen')]/attribute('tag')}\NC \NR\NC \type {title} \NC \xmlfirst {btx:tugboat}{/bibtex/entry[string.find(@tag,'Hagen')]/field[@name='title']}\NC \NR\stoptabulate</pre> {| |+  | <tt>tag</tt>| | Ha­gen:TB17-1-54| |+  | <tt>title</tt>| | PPCHTEX: type­set­ting chem­i­cal for­mu­las in TEX| |} <pre detail='buffer'>\startxmlsetups btx:demo\xmlcommand{#1}{/bibtex/entry[string.find(@tag,'Hagen')][1]}{btx:table}\stopxmlsetups</pre> \startxmlsetups btx:table\starttabulate[|||]\NC \type {tag} \NC \xmlatt{#1}{tag} \NC \NR\NC \type {title} \NC \xmlfirst{#1}{/field[@name='title']} \NC \NR\stoptabulate\stopxmlsetups  \xmlsetup{btx:tugboat}{btx:demo}  {| |+  | <tt>tag</tt>| | Ha­gen:TB17-1-54| |+  | <tt>title</tt>| | PPCHTEX: type­set­ting chem­i­cal for­mu­las in TEX| |} <br/>Here is an­other ex­am­ple: <pre detail='buffer'>\startxmlsetups btx:row\NC \xmlatt{#1}{tag}\NC \xmlfirst{#1}{/field[@name='title']}\NC \NR\stopxmlsetups</pre> \startxmlsetups btx:demo\xmlfilter {#1} {/bibtex/entry[@category='article']/field[@name='author' and (find(text(),'Knuth') or find(text(),'DEK'))]/../command(btx:row)}\stopxmlsetups  \starttabulate[|||]\xmlsetup{btx:tugboat}{btx:demo}\stoptabulate  {| |+  | Knuth:TB10-1-31| | Type­set­ting Con­crete Math­e­mat­ics| |+  | Knuth:TB10-1-8| | TEX would find it dif­fi­cult …| |+  | Knuth:TB10-3-325| | The new ver­sions of TEX and MF| |+  | Knuth:TB10-4-529| | The er­rors of TEX| |+  | Knuth:TB11-1-13| | Vir­tual Fonts: More Fun for Grand Wiz­ards| |+  | Knuth:TB11-2-165| | Ex­er­cises for TEX: The Pro­gram| |+  | Knuth:TB11-4-489| | The fu­ture of TEX and MF| |+  | Knuth:TB11-4-497| | Arthur Lee Samuel, 1901--1990| |+  | Knuth:TB11-4-499| | An­swers to Ex­er­cises for TEX: The Pro­gram| |+  | Knuth:TB12-2-313| | Fixed-point glue set­ting: Er­rata| |+  | Knuth:TB14-4-387| | Icons for TEX and MF| |+  | Knuth:TB17-1-29| | Im­por­tant mes­sage re­gard­ing CM fonts| |+  | Knuth:TB2-3-5| | The cur­rent state of things| |+  | Knuth:TB3-1-10| | Fixed-point glue set­ting­Dash an ex­am­ple of WEB| |+  | Knuth:TB31-2-121| | An Earth­shak­ing An­nounce­ment| |+  | Knuth:TB4-2-64| | A note on hy­phen­ation| |+  | Knuth:TB5-1-4| | TEX in­cunab­ula| |+  | Knuth:TB5-1-67| | Com­ments on qual­ity in pub­lish­ing| |+  | Knuth:TB5-2-105| | A course on MF pro­gram­ming| |+  | Knuth:TB6-1-36| | Recipes and frac­tions| |+  | Knuth:TB7-2-101| | The TEX logo in var­i­ous fonts| |+  | Knuth:TB7-2-95| | Re­marks to cel­e­brate the pub­li­ca­tion of Com­put­ers & Type­set­ting| |+  | Knuth:TB8-1-14| | Mix­ing right-to-left texts with left-to-right texts| |+  | Knuth:TB8-1-6| | It hap­pened: an­nounce­ment of TEX 2.1| |+  | Knuth:TB8-1-73| | Prob­lem for a Sat­ur­day af­ter­noon| |+  | Knuth:TB8-2-135| | Fonts for dig­i­tal halftones| |+  | Knuth:TB8-2-210| | Sat­ur­day morn­ing prob­lem­Dash so­lu­tion| |+  | Knuth:TB8-2-217| | Re­ply: Print­ing out se­lected pages| |+  | Knuth:TB8-3-309| | Macros for Jill| |+  | Knuth:TB9-2-152| | A Punk Meta-Font| |} <br/>A more ex­ten­sive ex­am­ple is the fol­low­ing. Of course this as­sumes that you know what xml sup­port mech­a­nisms and macros are avail­able. <pre detail='buffer'>\startxmlsetups btx:getkeys\xmladdsortentry{btx}{#1}{\xmlfilter{#1}{/field[@name='author']/text()}}\xmladdsortentry{btx}{#1}{\xmlfilter{#1}{/field[@name='year' ]/text()}}\xmladdsortentry{btx}{#1}{\xmlatt{#1}{tag}}\stopxmlsetups</pre> \startxmlsetups btx:sorter\xmlresetsorter{btx}% \xmlfilter{#1}{entry/command(btxFile:getkeys)}\xmlfilter{#1}{/bibtex/entry[@category='article']/field[@name='author' and find(text(),'Knuth')]/w../command(btx:getkeys)}\xmlsortentries{btx}\starttabulate[||||tex]\xmlflushsorter{btx}{btx:entry:flush}\stoptabulate\stopxmlsetups  \startxmlsetups btx:entry:flush\NC \xmlfilter{#1}{/field[@name='year' ]/context()}\NC \xmlatt{#1}{tag}\NC \xmlfilter{#1}{/field[@name='author']/context()}\NC \NR\stopxmlsetups  \xmlsetup{btx:tugboat}{btx:sorter}  {| |+  | 1984| | Knuth:TB5-1-67| | Don Knuth| |+  | 1984| | Knuth:TB5-1-4| | Don­ald E. Knuth| |+  | 1984| | Knuth:TB5-2-105| | Don­ald E. Knuth| |+  | 1985| | Knuth:TB6-1-36| | Don­ald E. Knuth| |+  | 1986| | Knuth:TB7-2-101| | Don­ald E. Knuth| |+  | 1987| | Knuth:TB8-2-135| | Don­ald E. Knuth| |+  | 1987| | Knuth:TB8-3-309| | Don­ald E. Knuth| |+  | 1988| | Knuth:TB9-2-152| | Don­ald E. Knuth| |+  | 1989| | Knuth:TB10-3-325| | Don­ald E. Knuth| |+  | 1989| | Knuth:TB10-4-529| | Don­ald E. Knuth| |+  | 1990| | Knuth:TB11-4-489| | Don­ald E. Knuth| |+  | 1993| | Knuth:TB14-4-387| | Don­ald E. Knuth| |+  | 1996| | Knuth:TB17-1-29| | Don­ald E. Knuth| |+  | 1987| | Knuth:TB8-1-14| | Don­ald Knuth and Pierre MacKay| |+  | 1981| | Knuth:TB2-3-5| | Don­ald Knuth| |+  | 1982| | Knuth:TB3-1-10| | Don­ald Knuth| |+  | 1983| | Knuth:TB4-2-64| | Don­ald Knuth| |+  | 1986| | Knuth:TB7-2-95| | Don­ald Knuth| |+  | 1987| | Knuth:TB8-1-6| | Don­ald Knuth| |+  | 1987| | Knuth:TB8-1-73| | Don­ald Knuth| |+  | 1987| | Knuth:TB8-2-210| | Don­ald Knuth| |+  | 1987| | Knuth:TB8-2-217| | Don­ald Knuth| |+  | 1989| | Knuth:TB10-1-8| | Don­ald Knuth| |+  | 1989| | Knuth:TB10-1-31| | Don­ald Knuth| |+  | 1990| | Knuth:TB11-1-13| | Don­ald Knuth| |+  | 1990| | Knuth:TB11-2-165| | Don­ald Knuth| |+  | 1990| | Knuth:TB11-4-497| | Don­ald Knuth| |+  | 1990| | Knuth:TB11-4-499| | Don­ald Knuth| |+  | 1991| | Knuth:TB12-2-313| | Don­ald Knuth| |+  | 2010| | Knuth:TB31-2-121| | Don­ald Knuth| |} <br/>The orig­i­nal data is stored in a Lua ta­ble, hashed by tag. Start­ing with Lua 5.2 each run of Lua gets a dif­fer­ent or­der­ing of such a hash. In older ver­sions, when you looped over a hash, the or­der was un­de­fined, but the same as long as you used the same bi­nary. This had the ad­van­tage that suc­ces­sive runs, some­thing we of­ten have in doc­u­ment pro­cess­ing gave con­sis­tent re­sults. In to­day’s Lua we need to do much more sort­ing of hashes be­fore we loop, es­pe­cially when we save multi--pass data. It is for this rea­son that the xml tree is sorted by hash key by de­fault. That way lookups (es­pe­cially the first of a set) give con­sis­tent out­comes. =Stan­dards= The ren­der­ing of bib­li­o­graphic en­tries is of­ten stan­dard­ized and pre­scribed by the pub­lisher. If you sub­mit an ar­ti­cle to a jour­nal, nor­mally it will be re­for­mat­ted (or even re- keyed) and the ren­der­ing will hap­pen at the pub­lish­ers end. In that case it may not mat­ter how en­tries were ren­dered when writ­ing the pub­li­ca­tion, be­cause the pub­lisher will do it his or her way. This means that most users prob­a­bly will stick to the stan­dard apa rules and for them we pro­vide some con­fig­u­ra­tion. Be­cause we use se­tups it is easy to over­load specifics. If you re­ally want to tweak, best look in the files that deal with it.<br/>Many stan­dards ex­ist and sup­port for other ren­der­ings may be added to the core. In­ter­ested users are in­vited to de­velop and to test al­ter­nate stan­dard ren­der­ings ac­cord­ing to their needs.<br/>Todo: maybe a list of cat­e­gories and fields. =Clean­ing up= Al­though the bibTEX for­mat is rea­son­ably well de­fined, in prac­tice there are many ways to or­ga­nize the data. For in­stance, one can use pre­de­fined string con­stants that get used (ei­ther or not com­bined with other strings) later on. A string can be en­closed in curly braces or dou­ble quotes. The strings can con­tain TEX com­mands but these are not stan­dard­ized. The data­bases of­ten have some­what com­plex ways to deal with spe­cial char­ac­ters and the use of braces in their de­f­i­n­i­tion is also not nor­mal­ized.<br/>The most com­plex to deal with are the fields that con­tain names of peo­ple. At some point it might be needed to split a com­bi­na­tion of names into in­di­vid­ual ones that then get split into ti­tle, first name, op­tional in­be­tweens, sur­name(s) and ad­di­tional: <tt>Prof. Dr. Alfred B. C. von Kwik Kwak Jr. II and P. Q. Olet</tt> is just one ex­am­ple of this. The con­ven­tion seems to be not to use com­mas but <tt>and</tt> to sep­a­rate names (of­ten each name will be spec­i­fied as last­name, first­name).<br/>We don’t see it as chal­lenge nor as a duty to sup­port all kinds of messy de­f­i­n­i­tions. Of course we try to be some­what tol­er­ant, but you will be sure to get bet­ter re­sults if you use nicely setup, con­sis­tent data­bases.<br/>Todo: maybe some ex­am­ples of bad. =Tran­si­tion= In the orig­i­nal bib­li­og­ra­phy sup­port mod­ule us­age was as fol­lows (ex­am­ple taken from the con­textgar­den wiki): <pre detail='typing'>% engine=pdftex\usemodule[bib]\usemodule[bibltx]\setupbibtex[database=xampl]\setuppublications[numbering=yes]\starttextAs \cite [article-full] already indicated, bibtex is a \LATEX||centricprogram.\completepublications\stoptext</pre><br/>For MkIV the mod­ules were partly rewrit­ten and ended up in the core so the two com­mands are not needed there. One ad­van­tage of ex­plic­itly load­ing a mod­ule is that a job that doesn’t need ref­er­ences to pub­li­ca­tions doesn’t suf­fer from the as­so­ci­ated over­head. Nowa­days this over­head can be ne­glected. The first setup com­mand in this ex­am­ple is needed to boot­strap the process: it tells what data­base has to be processed by bibTEX be­tween runs. The sec­ond setup com­mand is op­tional. Each ci­ta­tion (tagged with <tt>\cite</tt>) ends up in the list of pub­li­ca­tions.<br/>In the new ap­proach again the code is in the ConTEXt ker­nel, so no mod­ules need to be loaded. But, as we no longer use bibTEX, we don’t need to setup bibTEX. In­stead we de­fine dataset(s). We also no longer set up pub­li­ca­tions with one com­mand, but have split that up in ren­der­ing-, list-, and cite-vari­ants. The ba­sic <tt>\cite</tt> com­mand re­mains. <pre detail='typing'>\definebtxdataset[document]\usebtxdataset[document][mybibfile.bib]\definebtxrendering[document]\setupbtxrendering[document][numbering=yes]\starttextAs \cite [article-full] already indicated, bibtex is a \LATEX||centricprogram.\completebtxrendering[document]\stoptext</pre><br/>So, we have a few more com­mands to set up things. If you use just one dataset and ren­der­ing, the above pre­am­ble can be sim­pli­fied to: <pre detail='typing'>\usebtxdataset[mybibfile.bib]\setupbtxrendering[numbering=yes]</pre><br/>But keep in mind, that com­pared to the old MkII de­rived method we have moved some of the setup op­tions to set­ting up the list and cite vari­ants.<br/>An­other dif­fer­ence is the use of lists. When you de­fine a ren­der­ing, you also de­fine a list. How­ever, all en­tries are col­lected in a com­mon list tagged <tt>btx</tt>. Al­though you will nor­mally con­fig­ure a ren­der­ing you can still set some prop­er­ties of lists, but in that case you need to pre­fix the list iden­ti­fier. In the case of the above ex­am­ple this is <tt>btx:document</tt>. =ML­BIBTEX= Todo: how to plug in ML­bibTEX for sort­ing and other ad­vanced op­er­a­tions. =Ex­ten­sions= As TEX and Lua are both open and ac­ces­si­ble in ConTEXt it is pos­si­ble to ex­tend the func­tion­al­ity of the bib­li­og­ra­phy re­lated code. For in­stance, you can add ex­tra load­ers. <pre detail='typing'>function publications.loaders.myformat(dataset,filename)local t = { }-- Load data from 'filename' and convert it to a Lua table 't' with-- the key as hash entry and fields conforming the luadata table-- format.loaders.lua(dataset,t)end</pre><br/>This then per­mits load­ing a data­base (into a dataset) with the com­mand: <pre detail='typing'>\usebtxdataset[standard][myfile.myformat]</pre><br/>The <tt>myformat</tt> suf­fix is rec­og­nized au­to­mat­i­cally. If you want to use an­other suf­fix, you can do this: <pre detail='typing'>\usebtxdataset[standard][myformat::myfile.txt]</pre>

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