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In the orig­i­nal bib­li­og­ra­phy sup­port mod­ule us­age was as fol­lows (ex­am­ple taken from the con­textgar­den wiki):
<pre detail='typing'>% engine=pdftex
An­other dif­fer­ence is the use of lists. When you de­fine a ren­der­ing, you also de­fine a list. How­ever, all en­tries are col­lected in a com­mon list tagged <tt>btx</tt>. Al­though you will nor­mally con­fig­ure a ren­der­ing you can still set some prop­er­ties of lists, but in that case you need to pre­fix the list iden­ti­fier. In the case of the above ex­am­ple this is <tt>btx:document</tt>.

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