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< [[Visuals]]
* use <tt>\{{cmd|setupinteraction}}]* [state=start[Presentation effects]]</tt>
* see in [[Using Graphics| using graphics]] how to use movies.
* You find more about [[Widgets]] (interactive Elements elements, form fields etc.) The {{cmd|setupinteraction}} command configures all interaction in the resulting PDF document. Basic interaction (meaning clickable links for references) is enabled using <texcode>\setupinteraction[httpstate=start]</texcode> This makes all links generated with the {{cmd|goto}} command (and indirectly the {{cmd|in}} and {{cmd|at}} commands) clickable. == Hints ===== Link coloring ===By default, the link text gets a green or red [[Color|color]], depending on whether the link is to another page or to the same page. You can change the link colors with the <tt>color</tt> (links to other pages) and <tt>contrastcolor</tt> (links to the same page) properties. For example, to disable link coloring alltogether<texcode>\setupinteraction[state=start,color=,contrastcolor=]</texcode> === Clickable table of contents ===To make table of contents items clickable, use the {{cmd|setupcombinedlist}} command. <texcode>\setupcombinedlist[content][interaction=all]</wwwtexcode> This makes the entire table of contents line clickable.pragma-adeIt is possible to select just one part (<tt>sectionnumber</tt>, <tt>pagenumber</tt>, <tt>text</tt>). If links have a color, this will also make the table of contents get a different text color.comYou can use the <tt>color</generaltt> property to change it back, <i>e.g.</manualsi>: <texcode>\setupcombinedlist[content][interaction=all,color=black]</mwidgetstexcode> Alternatively, you can use the <tt>textcolor</tt> property to change just the text colour, and leave the section and page numbers colored.pdf mwidgets.pdf === Default focus mode ===By default, clicking an inter-document hyperlink will switch to "fit page" mode, to override this: <texcode>\setupinteraction[state=start,focus=standard]</texcode> [[Category:Presentation]][[Category:Command/Interaction|Interaction]]


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