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156 bytes added ,  20:50, 15 May 2022
\startsetups [headertable]
Firstname Lastname \par
123, First street \par
Ph: 1234567890 \par
Company Name \par
123, First street \par
Ph: 9876543210 \par
\bTABLE[split=repeat, option=stretch]
\bTR[style=bold]\dorecurse{5}{\bTH Header Col #1\eTH}\eTR
\dorecurse{50}{\bTR\dorecurse{5}{\bTD Row #1 col ##1\eTD}\eTR}
Compiling the above by using {{cmd|bTABLE}} and {{cmd|eTABLE}} instead of {{cmd|bTABLEnested}} and {{cmd|eTABLEnested}} in the setup for <tt>headertable</tt> one notices the need for the nested type.
= Tables in multiple columns =
= Tables in page headers =
Sometimes you want to use a table layout in a header, for example to show a company's name and contact information at the top of each page of an invoice. The standard `\bTABLE` command causes issues so use `\bTABLEnested` instead. The parameters are the same.
% A setup to define the table's appearance
\startsetups headertable
% A setup to define the table's contents
\startsetups headertext
\bTABLEnested[setups=headertable, ...]
% Use the table in the header


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