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== [[Help:Reference|Syntax]] (autogenerated) ==
== [[Help:Reference|Syntax]] ==
<table cellspacing="4" cellpadding="2" class="cmd">
== Description ==
{{cmd|setupbackgrounds}} is used to draw frames or backgrounds that cover specific areas of the page, under the text layer.
* The first parameter sets the main layout area; * the optional second one specifies the linked subarea(s) of the prior. Not all main areas have such subareas.* about the third parameter** the key <code>state</code> determines when the page background is recalculated.***<code>state=repeat</code> ensures that the page background is always recalculated (useful if you want to use a variable that depends on the current page, such as its number with {{cmd|realpageno}}).*** <code>state= Description =start</code> recalculates the page background, and stops its automatic recalculation,*** <code>state= stop</code> doesn't recalculate the page background, and stops its automatic recalculation.
Because {{cmd|showframe}} and {{cmd|setupbackgrounds}} both draw frameboxes over parts of the page, the order in which they are invoked matters. In most cases, {{cmd|setupbackgrounds}} should come last.
Backgrounds are essential for working with [[Layers]]. You enable your defined layers like <code>\setupbackgrounds[page][background== Comment ==mylayer]</code>.
The first parameter sets the main layout area<code>background</code> key also takes a list, the second one specifies the linked subarea(s) and if you include "foreground", you can also set something on top of the prioryour general content, e. Not all main areas have such subareasg. <code>\setupbackgrounds[page][background={mybacklayer,foreground,mytoplayer}]</code>.
Note that backgrounds may not == Example == <context source=yes>\setuppapersize[A7]\showframe % \setupbackgrounds should be rendered correctly if placed *after* \showframe,  \setupbackgrounds [footer] [background=color, backgroundcolor=blue]\setupbackgrounds [footer] [leftmargin] [background=color, backgroundcolor=red]\setupbackgrounds [text] [background=color, backgroundcolor=lightgray]\setupbackgrounds [text] [rightmargin] [background=color, backgroundcolor=yellow] \starttextI paint modern\stoptext</context> === Example of dynamic positioning of page numbering === <context source=yes>\setuppapersize[A6][A6]\setupbackgrounds[cmdstate=repeat]%\showframe\startuseMPgraphic{MonGraphismeV_MP} numeric h ; h :showframe|= \overlayheight ; numeric w ; w := \overlaywidth ; numeric n ; n := \number\realpageno ; numeric m ; m := \number\lastpageno ; numeric ratio ; ratio := (1-n/(m+1)); numeric e ; e := 0.3mm;  picture pa ; pa := textext.raw(btex {\strut\the\realpageno} etex) ; numeric wpa ; wpa := xpart (urcorner pa - ulcorner pa); numeric hpa ; hpa := ypart (ulcorner pa - llcorner pa);  pa := pa shifted (-wpa/2 + w/2, ratio * (h-hpa)); pair paA ; paA:= ((ulcorner pa) + (urcorner pa)) / 2 ; pair paB ; paB:= ((llcorner pa) + (lrcorner pa)) / 2 ;  draw ((w/2,0)--paB) dashed withdots withpen pencircle scaled e withcolor darkred; draw ((w/2,h)--paA) dashed withdots withpen pencircle scaled e withcolor darkred; draw pa withcolor darkred;\stopuseMPgraphic \startuseMPgraphic{MonGraphismeH_MP} numeric h ; h := \overlayheight ; numeric w ; w := \overlaywidth ; numeric n ; n := \number\realpageno ; numeric m ; m := \number\lastpageno ; numeric ratio ; ratio := (n/(m+1)); numeric e ; e := 0.3mm;  picture pa ; pa := textext.raw(btex {\strut\the\realpageno} etex) ; numeric wpa ; wpa := xpart (urcorner pa - ulcorner pa); numeric hpa ; hpa := ypart (ulcorner pa - llcorner pa);  pa := pa shifted (ratio * (w-wpa),-hpa/2 + h/2); pair paA ; paA:= ((ulcorner pa) + (llcorner pa)) / 2 ; pair paB ; paB:= ((urcorner pa) + (lrcorner pa)) / 2 ;  draw ((0,h/2)--paA) dashed withdots withpen pencircle scaled e withcolor darkred; draw ((w,h/2)--paB) dashed withdots withpen pencircle scaled e withcolor darkred; draw pa withcolor darkred;\stopuseMPgraphic \defineoverlay [MonGraphismeV_OL] [\useMPgraphic{MonGraphismeV_MP}]\showframedefineoverlay [MonGraphismeH_OL][\useMPgraphic{MonGraphismeH_MP}] is used.
\setupbackgrounds [text] [rightmargin] [background={MonGraphismeV_OL}]\setupbackgrounds [footer] [text] [background= Example =={MonGraphismeH_OL}]
'''[text]''' has several linked subareas.<texcode>\setupbackgrounds[text] [background=color,backgroundcolor=lightgray]\setupbackgrounds[text] [leftmargin] [background=color,backgroundcolor=red]</texcode>starttext
sets a light gray background for the text area and a red background for the left margin area.\dorecurse{4}{\input tufte\page}
== See also ==
<!-- something like * [[Layers]]* {{cmd:goto|setupframed}}, which is the mechanism used by \goto]] -->setupbackgrounds.
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