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warning about clipping
You can adjust the size of an element by cropping/clipping its borders:<ref>Please, don’t forget that clipping only displays a part of an image. At least when this comes from a PDF document, the whole page has to be included, although only part of it is displayed.<br/>The PDF output from the following sample contains <code>hans hagen, pragma ade</code>. Depending on your PDF viewer, you may be able to search for it.<br/>Of course, you will have to compile the source yourself, since the wiki will only contains PNG images from compilations.  <context source="yes">\setuppapersize[A5, landscape]\setuplayout[page]\starttext\clip[nx=3,ny=3,x=1,y=1]{\externalfigure[xml-mkiv.pdf]}\stoptext</context></ref>
<context source="yes">
Graphic transformations are implemented in [ grph-trf.mkiv] and [ grph-trf.lua].


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