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Revision as of 18:39, 20 April 2013 by Esteis (talk | contribs) (typo)



[...] name of breakpoint set to add to
[...] character at which to break
language two-letter code: language for which this breakpoint applies
nleft number: minimal characters to left to allow breaking' here'
nright number: minimal characters to right to allow breaking here
type ???
middle ???
left ???
right ???


\definebreakpoint[setname][?][...=...] defines a breakpoint at ?, and makes it a member of a set that can be activated with \setbreakpoints[setname]. The set must be initialized with \definebreakpoints[setname].


This is how the compound breakpoint set is defined in typo-brk.mkiv

\definebreakpoint [compound] [+] [nleft=3,nright=3,type=1]
\definebreakpoint [compound] [-] [nleft=3,nright=3,type=1]
\definebreakpoint [compound] [/] [nleft=3,nright=3,type=1]
\definebreakpoint [compound] [(] [nleft=3,nright=3,type=2]
\definebreakpoint [compound] [)] [nleft=3,nright=3,type=3]

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