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== Defining lists ==
Defining {{cmd|itemizestartitemize}}-like ''itemgroups'' is accomplished through {{cmd|defineitemgroup}} and the correspoding setup. For historical reasons these have a non-standard, duplicate interface
requiring some options to be specified as key-value setups, others as an argument list. For example:
\setupitemgroup [myitems] [each] [joinedup]
\setupitemgroup [myitems] [each] [itemalign=flushright]
The arguments include the:
Further options are part of the setup, and can be combined:
\setupitemgroup [myitems] [each] [joinedup] [itemalign=flushright]
== Custom bullets ==
number as the contents of the box like so:
\definesymbol [instruction_symbol_numbered]
The {{cmd|framed}} must be adapted to the specific requirements.
Below listing combines all the above into one working example.

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